24个产地南方红豆杉在两试验点的生长差异及其选择 被引量:5
Growth Variation and Selection of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei from 24 Locations in Two Trial Plots
英文题名:Growth Variation and Selection of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei from 24 Locations in Two Trial Plots
作者:肖遥[1] 张蕊[1] 楚秀丽[1] 徐肇友[2] 孟现东[3] 周志春[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Taxus wallichiana var. mairei ; provenance ; tree age ; genetic variation ; selection
摘要:[目的]对南方红豆杉产地试验林分别在不同年份进行全林生长性状测定,评估南方红豆杉产地早期选择的准确性和可靠性。[方法]在浙江龙泉和浙江安吉两地同时开展了南方红豆杉产地试验,通过对24个产地南方红豆杉树高、胸径和冠幅等生长性状的10 a跟踪观测,以明确早期选择的准确性并优选出一批生长优良的产地。[结果]浙江龙泉和浙江安吉两地点24个产地南方红豆杉10年生树高、胸径和冠幅变异系数分别达6.58%、15.14%、11.18%和9.17%、17.18%、17.14%。浙江龙泉点不同产地南方红豆杉10年生树高和胸径均值分别比浙江安吉点高29.02%和10.88%。浙江安吉和浙江龙泉两地点24个产地南方红豆杉7年生树高与10年生树高的相关系数分别为0.780(P<0.01)和0.769(P<0.01),均大于两地点4年生树高与10年生树高的相关系数0.479(P<0.05)和0.649(P<0.01)。[结论]南方红豆杉生长性状具有显著的产地、地点以及产地×地点的互作效应。以10年生树高、胸径以及7 10年生树高和胸径生长量均值为筛选标准,采用独立淘汰法分别从龙泉点和安吉点选出7个和3个速生优良产地。
o select Taxus wallichiana var. mairei provenances with high productivity, good stability.[Method]The T. wallichiana var. mairei from 24 locations of 10 provinces were used to study the phenotypic variation in tree height, DBH and crown at the age of 10 by variance analysis and multiple comparisons at two sites in Longquan and Anji trial plots, to choose the excellent location and ascertain the effect of early selection.[Result]The variable coefficient of height, DBH and crown diameter of these 10-year-old T. wallichiana var. mairei at the two trial plots were 6.58%, 15.14%, 11.18% and 9.17%, 17.18%, 17.14%. The result of site effect indicated that the mean height and DBH of 10-year-old T. wallichiana var. mairei among locations in Longquan trial plot were 29.02% and 10.88% higher than that of locations in Anji trial plot. It was indicated that the correlation coefficient among 7 a height and 10a height from different locations in Anji and Longquan were 0.780 (P 〈 0.01) and 0.769 (P 〈 0.01), respectively. And they were bigger than the correlation coefficient 0.479 (P 〈 0.05) and 0.649 (P 〈 0.01) among 4 a height and 10 a height from different locations in Anji and Longquan. [Conclusion]Most of the growth characteristics of T. wallichiana var. mairei from the 24 locations have significant effects among locations, sites, and the interaction effect of location×site. This study also indicates that the bigger the age of trees, the better the select effect, and improper early selection may result in wrong choice or leave out some excellent locations. 7 and 3 excellent locations from Longquan and Anji are finally selected by means of independent culling method based on the 10 a height and DBH and 7-10 a growth of height and DBH, respectively.