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基于Landsat 8和Sentinel-2数据的砒砂岩区生物量估算的差异性    

Differences in Biomass Estimation in a Feldspathic Sandstone Area by Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data


中文题名:基于Landsat 8和Sentinel-2数据的砒砂岩区生物量估算的差异性

英文题名:Differences in Biomass Estimation in a Feldspathic Sandstone Area by Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data

作者:刘雨晴[1,2] 闫峰[1,2] 陈俊翰[1,2] 何晨阳[1,2]








外文期刊名:Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation




中文关键词:地上生物量;Landsat 8;Sentinel-2;砒砂岩区

外文关键词:aboveground biomass;Landsat 8;Sentinel-2;feldspathic sandstone area


摘要:[目的]分析基于不同空间分辨率遥感影像估算的地上生物量(above ground biomass,AGB)差异,为遥感估算荒漠生态系统AGB的研究中不同空间分辨率影像的选择提供依据。[方法]在地面AGB调查的基础上,结合Landsat 8与Sentinel-2影像建立AGB-MSAVI统计模型,对砒砂岩区AGB进行了遥感估算,并分析不同植被覆盖区(高、中、低)AGB估算的差异性。[结果]Landsat 8与Sentinel-2影像均能较好地实现AGB估算,AGB估算结果在空间分布上具有相似性。基于Landsat 8和Sentinel-2数据估算AGB模型平均相对误差分别为13.41%和11.42%,基于Sentinel-2数据的AGB估算精度较高。[结论]不同植被覆盖区Sentinel-2与Landsat 8数据估算的AGB存在一定的差异,低植被覆盖和高植被覆盖区,两种遥感数据估算的AGB差异相对较小;中植被覆盖区,遥感数据受到空间分辨率的制约,空间异质性影响相对显著,两种遥感数据估算的AGB差异较大。高空间分辨率遥感影像对AGB估算精度的提高具有一定效果。
[Objective] Differences in above ground biomass(AGB) estimation based on remote sensing images with different spatial resolutions were analyzed, and a basis for the selection of different spatial resolution images for remote sensing estimation of AGB in desert ecosystems was provided. [Methods] Based on a ground-based AGB survey, the AGB-MSAVI statistical model was established by combining Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images to estimate AGB in a feldspathic sandstone area by remote sensing, and to analyze the differences between the two estimates in different vegetation coverage areas(high, medium, and low). [Results] Both Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images could estimate AGB well, and the spatial distributions of AGB estimation results were consistent. The mean relative errors for the AGB estimation models based on Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data were 13.41% and 11.42%, respectively, and the accuracy of AGB estimation based on Sentinel-2 data was relatively higher. There were some differences in AGB estimated by Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 data in different vegetation coverage areas. [Conclusion] In the low and high vegetation coverage areas, the differences between AGB estimated by Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 data were relatively small. In contrast, in the medium vegetation coverage area, the spatial heterogeneity was relatively significant, the remote sensing data were constrained by the spatial resolution, and the differences between AGB estimated by the two images were relatively large. The high spatial resolution remote sensing images were effective for improving AGB estimation accuracy.



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