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10个柚木种源27年生长与适应性     被引量:20

Growth and adaptability of ten provenances of Tectona grandis at 27-year-old



英文题名:Growth and adaptability of ten provenances of Tectona grandis at 27-year-old

作者:梁坤南[1] 赖猛[1] 黄桂华[1] 林明平[1] 周再知[1] 马华明[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Tectona grandis; provenance; growthl adaptability


摘要:海南省乐东尖峰岭柚木Tectona grandis10个种源27年生的生长与适应性研究结果表明:在适应性方面种源间保存率存在极显著差异,27年生印度种源3071和3074的保存率仍达到92.34%,而泰国4个种源保存率最低仅有4.95%~39.6%,与印度种源3071和3074以及对照种源8 204差异达极显著;在生长方面,种源间树高、单株材积差异显著,印度3070和3071种源是树高和胸径生长最好的两个种源,比对照种源分别提高了16.7%~17.6%和28.9%~32.5%;泰国4个种源树高和胸径生长最差;10个种源间每公顷蓄积量差异极显著,其中:27年生印度种源3071每公顷蓄积量最大(430.8m3),年生长量达到15.95m3/hm2,是对照种源的2.25倍,差异极显著;泰国4个种源27年生蓄积量最低8.67~46.92m3.hm-2,3071种源每公顷蓄积量是泰国种源的9.18~49.69倍,差异极显著;种源的树高、胸径和单株材积与原产地纬度呈显著至极显著负相关,保存率与原产地降雨量呈显著正相关;提出了印度种源3071和3074宜在当地发展,而泰国4个种源不宜在当地引种与种植。
The researches on the growth and adaptability of ten provenances of Tectona grandis at 27-year-old at Jianfengling of Ledong Country in Hainan province were carried out.The results show that there existed highly significant differences in survival at 27-year-old among the ten provenances.Provenances of 3071 and 3074 from India showed high adaptability with a survival of 92.34%,while four provenances from Thailand showed poor survival from 4.95% to 39.6%,which were highly significantly different to two Indian provenances(3071 and 3074) and control provenance(8204).In terms of growth,there were significant differences in height growth and volume per tree among 6 provenances.Indian provenances of 3070 and 3071 were the best provenances in height and DBH,which increased by 16.7%~17.6% and 28.9%~32.5% respectively compared with 8204 provenance.Four provenances from Thailand were the worst provenances in the growth of height and DBH.The results also show that there existed highly significant differences in volume per hectare among ten provenances,in which,Indian provenance of 3071 was the best one in volume per hectare with 430.8 m3(i.e.15.95 m3·hm-2·year-1),which was 2.25 times higher than that of the control provenance.Four Thailand provenances were the worst provenances in volume per hectare with 8.67 to 46.92 m3·hm-2,while the Indian provenance of 3071 was 9.18~49.69 times higher than that of the Thailand provenance in volume per hectare with highly significant differences among them.The latitude of origin had significant or highly significant negative correlation with height,DBH and volume per tree respectively,while the rainfall of origin had significant positive correlation with survival.It is suggested that two Indian provenances of 3071 and 3074 are suitable for local planting,while four Thailand provenances are not suitable for introducing and planting in Ledong Country,Hainan Island.



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