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华北落叶松树干液流速率主要影响因子及关系的时间尺度变化     被引量:26

Relationships between sap flow velocity of Larix principis-rupprechtii and environmental factors and their variation with time scales



英文题名:Relationships between sap flow velocity of Larix principis-rupprechtii and environmental factors and their variation with time scales

作者:姚依强[1,2] 陈珂[1] 王彦辉[2] 王艳兵[2] 李振华[2] 徐丽宏[2] 韩新生[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment





外文关键词:Larix principis - rupprechtii ; sap flow velocity; environmental factor; time scale


摘要:为探究树干液流速率Y(ml·cm^(-2)·min^(-1))与主要环境因子的关系随时间尺度(小时、日、月)的变化,在半干旱的宁夏六盘山叠叠沟小流域,于2014年生长季(5-10月)对华北落叶松树干液流速率及其环境影响因子进行同步监测。结果表明:1)树干液流速率在小时尺度上呈现"几"字变化特征,在日尺度上具有不规则波动现象,在月尺度上呈现整体先上升后下降的特征变化。2)树干液流速率在不同时间尺度上与环境因子的相关性发生变化,饱和水汽压差(VPD,k Pa)、空气相对湿度(RH,%)和太阳辐射强度(SR,w·m^(-2))对液流速率的影响在小时尺度上高于日尺度,土壤温度(Ts,℃)、空气温度(Ts,℃)和土壤含水量(SWC,%)对液流速率的影响在日尺度上高于小时尺度。3)回归分析表明,影响液流速率的主要环境因素具有时间尺度差异,饱和水汽压差是影响液流速率变化的最重要因素,月尺度上回归方程为:Y=-0.0350+0.0821×VPD;小时和日尺度上饱和水汽压差、土壤温度、太阳辐射强度和空气相对湿度对液流速率起关键作用,小时尺度方程为:Y=-0.0812+0.0612×VPD+0.0002×SR+0.0027×Ts+0.0004×RH;日尺度方程为Y=-0.0707+0.0524×VPD+0.0022×Ts+0.0002×SR+0.0005×RH。
To explore the relationships between sap flow velocity and main environmental factors on different time scales (hour, day, month), the SF -L thermal diffusion probes were used to monitor the sap flow at the tree stems of Larix principis - rupprechtii during the growing season ( May - October) of 2014 in Diediegou, a semi - arid small watershed located in the northwest part of the Liupan Mountains of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The environmental factors were also monitored simultaneously. Results show that : ( 1 ) The sap flow velocity show a "几" character variations on hourly scale, irregular change phenomenon on daily scale, charactered with firstly increased and then decreased on monthly scale. (2) Correlations between sap flow velocity and environmental factors change on different time scales. The influence of vapor pressure deficit ( VPD, kPa) , relative humidity ( RH% ) and the solar radiation ( SR, w .m -2 ) on sap flow velocity is higher on hourly scale than on daily scale. The influence of soil temperature (Ts, ℃ ), air temperature (Ta, ℃ ) and soil water content ( SWC, % ) on sap flow velocity is higher on daily scale than on hourly scale. (3) Regression analyses show that the environmental factors have the time scale difference affecting the sap flow velocity, the vapor pressure difference is the most important factor affecting the sap flow velocity. On the monthly scale the regression equation is Y = -0.0350 +0.0821 ×VPD; VPD , Ts , SR and RH play key roles to sap flow velocity on the hourly and daily scale. On the hourly scale the regression equation is Y = - 0.0812 + 0. 0612 × VPD + 0. 0002 × SR + 0. 0027 × Ts + 0. 0004 x RH ; On the daily scale the regression equation is Y = -0O. 0707 + 0.0524× VPD + 0. 0022 × Ts + 0.0002 × SR + 0.0005 x RH.



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