英文题名:Scenic beauty for forest plants of typical urban park in Guangzhou
作者:王美婷[1,2] 孙冰[1] 陈雷[1] 罗水兴[1] 陈勇[3] 黄应锋[1] 张静[1] 张珂[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University
外文关键词:landscape architecture; urban park; green space landscape; plant configuration; scenic beauty esti-mation; Guangzhou
摘要:以地理位置及游客组成划分代表性,以广州城市中心区越秀公园、城市近郊火炉山森林公园、城市远郊黄山鲁森林公园这3个广州市典型性城市公园为主要对象,研究植物景观美景度。为避免非植物因子,如道路系统、园林小品、建筑设施等干扰,在不同空间结构下选择不同的面积空间:每个公园内选取3块典型性密林绿地,面积为20 m×40 m;3块典型性半开敞疏林绿地,面积为20 m×20 m;3块典型性开敞性绿地,面积为30 m×30m。运用层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)和心理物理学美景度评价法(scenic beauty estimation,SBE),得出各样本景观得分值,结合SPSS 18.0数据分析软件将美景度量化值进行数据分析,进而将广州市典型性城市公园景观美景度进行量化比较。结果表明:(1)城市公园绿地景观的3种空间结构(即密林绿地、半开敞疏林绿地、开敞性绿地)在各公园内的分配比例不同。(2)植物种类丰富,越秀公园现有乔灌木280余种,地被170余种;森林公园野生植物资源丰富,约464种,分属107科284属。(3)景观评价结果:AHP景观评价得分值由高到低分别为:越秀公园、火炉山森林公园、黄山鲁森林公园;SBE得分平均值最高为越秀公园,黄山鲁森林公园次之,其次是火炉山森林公园;2种景观评价方法之间存在差异,从绿地空间植物结构类型上综合分析3个典型性城市公园:AHP景观品质得分值为密林空间>半开敞空间>开敞空间,SBE得分值为密林空间>半开敞空间>开敞空间,结果一致。
Based on the geographical position and the composition of tourists, choosen Yuexiu Park, Huolu Mountain Forest Park and Huangshanlu Forest Park, these three typical urban park in Guangzhou are the main research objects. It summarized three typical structure of green space of urban park in Guangzhou. In order to avoid the other factors such as: road system, building facilities and so on to disturb the results. Followed by the forest space, half open savanna space and open space, selected 3 pieces of typicality jungle space, covers an area of 20 m × 40 m in each park; 3 typical half open forest space, the area is 20 m ×40 m; 3 typical open green space, the area is 30 m × 30 m. Using the AHP analytic hierarchy process, SBE method, it is concluded that the landscape score of the sample. In combination with the analysis data by SPSS 18.0. Then this papermade a quantitative comparison on degree of landscape beauty with typical urban park in Guangzhou, according to the established evaluation model for research. The results shows: ( 1 ) allocation proportion of 3 types ofspace structure in each urban park is different. (2 ) Itis rich in plant species composition. There are 280 kinds of arbor and bush plants, more than 170 kinds o f shrubs. Wild plant resources are rich in forest park, 464 species belonging to 107 families, 284 genera. (3 )To reflect the characteristics of c ity park, the score from high to low by AHP method is : Yuexiu Park, Huolu Mountain Forest Park, Huangshanlu Forest Park; the score by SBE is : Yuexiu Park, Huangshanlu Forest Park, Huolu Mountain Forest Park. There are differences between the two methods of landscape evaluation. AHP quality score value is: forest landscape space〉half open space〉 open space. SBE score is : forest space〉half open space〉open space. The results are consistent.