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尖峰岭热带山地雨林不同更新林的群落特征     被引量:21

Community Structure Characteristics of Tropical Montane Rain Forests with Different Regeneration Types in Jianfengling



英文题名:Community Structure Characteristics of Tropical Montane Rain Forests with Different Regeneration Types in Jianfengling

作者:许涵[1,2] 李意德[1] 骆土寿[1] 林明献[1] 陈德祥[1] 莫锦华[3] 罗文[3] 洪小江[3] 蒋忠亮[3]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:tropical montane rain forest ; regeneration forests ; biological diversity; stability ; prediction; Jianfengling


The community structure characteristics were analyzed with the survey data from three plots which respectively were: a virgin forest (virgin forest, 0501 ), a natural secondary forest after clear-cutting for 41 years ( nature secondary forest, 0502) and an artificial promoting secondary forest after clear-cutting for 25 years (artificial promoting secondary forest, 0503). The community composition, species similarities, abundance and floristic diversity, individual density and stability were compared, and the community development trends were also predicted by the age structure analysis of the dominant populations. The results were listed as following: 1) 0501 had the most species abundance and floristic diversity. 0502 had higher floristic diversity than artificial promoting secondary forest in the arbor layer. 0503 bad higher floristic diversity than nature secondary forest in the young tree layer and the underwood layer. 2) 0502 had more similar species composition to 0501 than to 0503, which suggested that 0502 had better recovery than 0503. 3) The sequence of individual density was 0503 〉 0502 〉 0501, which was positively correlated with disturbance degree and negatively correlated with length of the recovery time after clear-cutting. 4 ) The community stability of the arbor layer and the underwood layer was 0501 〉 0502 〉 0503. 5) The development trends analysis showed that the dominant populations in 0501 tended to increasing or being stable. The intolerant trees of the arbor layers in 0502 tended to declining or being stable. While the dominant populations in the underwood layer had increasing trend. The cultivated species and some intolerant species in 0503 showed declining or stable trend while some populations in the underwood layer showed gradual increasing trends. Therefore, although some populations in both 0502 and 0503 tended to being stable trend. Their species composition and structure would change greatly and they were still in the succession process from the intolerant species in the initial period to the shade-tolerant species in the later period.



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