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干旱胁迫对转JERF36银中杨苗木叶片解剖结构及光合特性的影响  ( EI收录)   被引量:10

Effects of Drought Stress on Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic JERF36 Populus alba × P. berolinensis Seedling Leaves



英文题名:Effects of Drought Stress on Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic JERF36 Populus alba × P. berolinensis Seedling Leaves

作者:黄绢[1] 陈存[1] 张伟溪[1] 丁昌俊[1] 苏晓华[1] 黄秦军[1]


通信作者:Huang, Qinjun







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:drought stress; transgenic poplar; leaf anatomical structure; photosynthetic characteristics


摘要:【目的】以转JERF36银中杨(ABJ01)和非转基因银中杨(9#)为试验材料,开展干旱胁迫对2个株系苗高生长、叶片形态解剖结构、光合特性的影响研究,以期为转基因杨树的抗旱性评价提供参考,并为转基因杨树的推广应用提供科学依据。【方法】于2015年6月底,苗高约45 cm时,选取生长一致的苗木进行土壤干旱胁迫试验。胁迫程度分为3个梯度:正常供水、中度胁迫、重度胁迫,土壤含水量分别控制在田间持水量的60%~80%,40%~60%,20%~40%,胁迫时间为30天。【结果】干旱胁迫下,2个株系的苗高生长均受到抑制,随着胁迫程度的加剧,受抑制程度增大,但ABJ01受抑制程度较低,重度胁迫下其苗高显著高于9#。叶片形态数据显示,与正常供水相比,干旱胁迫处理后,2个株系的单叶面积显著降低,说明干旱胁迫抑制杨树叶片生长;中度、重度胁迫下9#的单叶面积均显著低于ABJ01,表明ABJ01叶片生长受抑制程度低。叶片解剖结构数据显示,ABJ01和9#的叶表皮细胞生长和叶肉细胞生长均受干旱胁迫的抑制,但ABJ01受抑制程度较低。中度胁迫下,ABJ01的叶片上、下表皮厚度分别比9#显著高出5.55%和4.70%,栅栏组织厚度比9#显著高出6.17%,海绵组织厚度和叶片组织疏松度(SR)则分别比9#显著降低12.35%和12.38%;重度胁迫下ABJ01的叶片上、下表皮厚度分别比9#显著高出16.27%和10.58%,海绵组织厚度和SR则分别比9#显著降低11.71%和11.58%。ABJ01具有更发达的栅栏组织和相对少的海绵组织,这有助于CO2向光合场所的传导,维持叶片较高的净光合速率(Pn),以适应干旱胁迫条件。光合生理数据显示,干旱胁迫下,ABJ01的Pn显著高于非转基因株系9#(10.50%~18.97%),说明干旱胁迫下ABJ01具有更强的光合能力。正常供水下,2个株系的气孔导度(Gs)、最大光化学效率(F_v/F_m)差异不显著,干旱胁迫下转基因株系ABJ01的Gs、F_v/F_m下降幅度比非转基因株系9#小,说明ABJ01受干旱胁迫影响程度较低;ABJ01的蒸腾速率(Tr)小于9#,表明ABJ01在干旱胁迫下具有更强的保水能力。ABJ01的叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量较9#高,F_v/F_m值较9#高,说明转基因株系维持叶绿素含量稳定的能力较强且光系统受损伤程度小。【结论】外源基因JERF36可能通过影响叶片结构发育提高转基因银中杨在干旱胁迫下的气体交换能力和保水能力,从而增强转基因银中杨的抗旱能力。
Effects of Drought Stress on Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic JERF36 Populus alba x P. berolinensis Seedling Leaves Huang Juan ,Chen Cun ,Zhang Weixi, Ding Changjun, Su Xiaohua, Huang Qinjun ( State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation of State Forestry Administration Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry Beijing 100091 ) Abstract : [ Objective] In this study, transgenic Populus alba x P. berolinensis line (ABJ01) and non-transgenic line (9#) were used to test effects of drought stress. To provide a new reference for drought assessment and scientific basis for promotion and application of transgenic poplars, seedling height, morphological and anatomical structure of leaves, and photosynthetic characteristics of transgenic poplar and non-transgenic poplar under drought stress were measured. [ Method] At the end of June 2015, a soil drought stress experiment was conducted with seedlings of transgenic poplar and non-transgenic poplar at the average height around 45 cm. The seedlings were subjected to three regimes of water (control, moderate stress, and severe stress) , and the soil moisture was controlled at 60% -80% , 40% -60% , 20% - 40% of the field water capacity, respectively for 30 days. [ Result] Seedling height growth of the two lines was inhibited to a certain degree by drought stress, and the inhibition was increasing severe with the stress level increased. The seedling height of transgenic line ABJ01 was 9.38% higher than non-transgenic line 9# under severe drought stress. Single leaf area of the two lines was significantly reduced under drought stress, indicating that drought stress suppressed growth of poplar leaves. Single leaf area of 9# was significantly lower than ABJ01, accounting for 10.82% and 13.79% of the control, respectively, indicating limitation of leaf growth in ABJ01 was lower under drought stress. Anatomical structure of leaves showed that growth of leaf epidermal cells and mesophyll cells in ABJ01 and 9# were inhibited by drought stress, however the inhibited degree of ABJ01 was lower. Under moderate drought stress, leaf upper epidermal thickness and lower epidermal thickness of ABJ01 were 5.55% and 4.70% significantly greater than that of 9#, respectively. Thickness of palisade tissue of ABJO1 was 6. 17% significant greater than 9#. In contrast, sponge tissue thickness and SR were 12.35% and 12.38% significantly lower than those of 9#, respectively. Under severe drought stress condition, leaf upper epidermal thickness and lower epidermal thickness of ABJ01 were 16.27% and 10.05% significantly higher than 9#, respectively, but sponge tissue thickness and SR were 11. 71% and 11. 58% significant lower than those of 9#, respectively. The more developed palisade tissue and relatively reduced spongy tissue may facilitate the conduction of CO2 , and maintain the higher P in leaf of ABJ01, which would contribute to adaptation to drought stress. Photosynthetic physiological data suggested that P of 9# was 2.8 times lower than that of ABJ01, and ABJ01 P, was significantly higher than non-transgenic lines 9# ( 10.50% - 18.97% ) , indicating ABJ01 had a greater photosynthetic capacity. Under control treatment, there were no significant differences in G, Fv/F~ between the two lines. However under drought stress, the decreased trend in transgenic line was relatively smaller compared with non-transgenic line under drought stress, indicating that ABJ01 indexes was less affected by drought stress. In addition, ABJ01 Tr was less than 9#, suggesting that ABJ01 had stronger capacity in water holding under drought conditions. The chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content in ABJ01 were higher than those of 9#. ABJ01 F/Fm was higher than 9#, indicating that the ability of maintaining the stability of chlorophyll content was stronger and the damage of PSII was less in transgenic line. [ Conclusion] The study suggests that exogenous gene JERF36 may improve the gas exchange capacity and water-holding capacity of transgenic Populus alba × P. berolinensis under drought stress by impacting the leaf structural of transgenic poplar, finally enhance drought tolerance of transgenic Populus alba × P. berolinensis. Key words: drought stress; transgenic poplar; leaf anatomical structure; photosynthetic characteristics



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