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香梓楠栽培试验研究     被引量:6

Cultivation trial of Michelia hedyosperma



英文题名:Cultivation trial of Michelia hedyosperma

作者:李运兴[1] 吕广阳[1] 麻静[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Michelia hedyosperma; seedling culture; afforestation technique; young plantation growth; mixed stand


摘要:The results of seedling stage trial showed that with the pattern of sowing seeds as they are collected, transplanting in the row spacing of 15 cm×20 cm, shading and under normal cultivation conditions, the mean height and basal diameter of 16 month old seedlings were 72 9 cm and 0 98 cm,respectively. The survival rate of afforestation of bare rooted seedlings reached as high as 98.5%. The increment peak of tree height and DBH is in May August. The growth period is in April September and the stagnant period of growth is in January March and October December. At the age of 4 years old, the current annual increments of height and DBH were the maximum. The mixed stand of M. hedyosperma and Cunninghamia lanceolata has well stand structure. Under the optimal mixing treatment, the mean tree height and DBH of 4 year old M. hedyosperma are 3 99 m and 6.18 cm, while that of C. lanceolata are 5 05 m and 8 55 cm, which is 10 1% and 19 1% higher than that of C. lanceolata pure stand.
The results of seedling stage trial showed that with the pattern of sowing seeds as they are collected, transplanting in the row spacing of 15 cm×20 cm, shading and under normal cultivation conditions, the mean height and basal diameter of 16 month old seedlings were 72 9 cm and 0 98 cm,respectively. The survival rate of afforestation of bare rooted seedlings reached as high as 98.5%. The increment peak of tree height and DBH is in May August. The growth period is in April September and the stagnant period of growth is in January March and October December. At the age of 4 years old, the current annual increments of height and DBH were the maximum. The mixed stand of M. hedyosperma and Cunninghamia lanceolata has well stand structure. Under the optimal mixing treatment, the mean tree height and DBH of 4 year old M. hedyosperma are 3 99 m and 6.18 cm, while that of C. lanceolata are 5 05 m and 8 55 cm, which is 10 1% and 19 1% higher than that of C. lanceolata pure stand.



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