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长白山蒙古栎次生林群落结构特征及优势树种空间分布格局     被引量:29

Community structure characteristics and spatial distribution of dominant species of secondary Quercus mongolica forest in Changbai Mountains, China



英文题名:Community structure characteristics and spatial distribution of dominant species of secondary Quercus mongolica forest in Changbai Mountains, China

作者:张晓红[1] 张会儒[1] 卢军[1] 胡雪凡[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:Quercus mongolica;secondary forest;dominant species;community structure;spatial distribution pattern


摘要:群落结构特征研究是揭示植物群落维持机制和演替动态的基础,是合理安排森林经营活动的基本前提.以吉林省汪清林业局2块1 hm^2的蒙古栎阔叶混交林固定样地为对象,研究了长白山蒙古栎次生林的群落结构特征,并采用点格局O-ring统计法对群落内优势树种的空间分布格局进行分析.结果表明:两块样地都是以蒙古栎为优势树种的群落类型,都具有明显的层次结构,主要伴生树种存在差异,样地Ⅰ以大青杨、白桦、红松为主,样地Ⅱ以红松、紫椴和色木槭为主.且样地Ⅰ的树种数量、Shannon多样性指数高于样地Ⅱ.两块样地中所有个体的径级分布呈倒"J"型,蒙古栎径级结构呈近似正态型,红松呈倒J型,其他主要伴生树种径级结构存在一定差异.两块样地0~50 m尺度上蒙古栎呈现小尺度聚集、中大尺度随机分布的格局,红松呈先聚集、后随机的分布格局,但样地Ⅰ内红松聚集的尺度和强度均大于样地Ⅱ.样地Ⅰ白桦和大青杨均在0~17 m尺度上呈聚集分布、且聚集强度显著高于其他树种,而在18~50 m尺度分别呈现随机分布和均匀-随机分布.样地Ⅱ中紫椴基本呈现随机分布,色木槭在中大尺度上呈随机或均匀分布,聚集分布集中在小尺度.两块样地处于演替早期阶段的不同发育阶段,相比样地Ⅰ,样地Ⅱ的演替阶段更高、群落相对更加稳定.
Understanding forest community structure is the basis for revealing community maintenance mechanism and succession dynamics,and the premise forest management activities.Taking two permanent 1-hm^2 plots of Quercus mongolica broadleaved mixed forest located in Wangqing Fore-st Bureau in Jilin Province as objects,we analyzed the community structure characteristics of secondary Q.mongolica forest and spatial distribution of dominant species with the point pattern analysis method(the O-ring statistics).The results showed that both plots were dominated by Q.mongo-lica with distinct hierarchy character.The co-dominated trees in plot I were Populus ussuriensis,Be-tula platyphylla,and Pinus koraiensis,which were different from plot II(Tilia amurensis,Acer mono,and Pinus koraiensis).The richness and Shannon index of plot I were higher than that of plot II.The DBH class distribution of trees in both plots were reverse-J-shaped.Individuals of Q.mongolica exhibited a normal distribution and P.koraiensis showed a reverse-J-shaped.There were differences in the diameter structure of other co-dominant tree species.The spatial distribution of Q.mongolica in two plots was aggregation distribution at small scale and random distribution in medium and large scales.P.koraiensis showed aggregation-random distribution at 0-50 m scale,while its aggregation degree in plot I were higher than that of plot II.B.platyphylla and P.ussuriensis in plot I were aggregated at the scale of 0-17 m,and the aggregation intensity was significantly higher than other tree species,and showed random distribution and uniform-random distribution at the scale of 18-50 m,respectively.Random or uniform distribution at the medium-large scale,and aggregate distribution at small scale of T.amurensis were observed in plot II.These results demonstrated that both plots were at the primary stage of succession with different growth stages.The succession stage of plot II was more progressed than that of plot I and the community of plot II was relatively more stable.Our results provide references for the precise management of Q.mongolica secondary forests at different developmental stages.



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