油梨品种桂垦3号和哈斯后熟生理和营养品质比较 被引量:11
A comparative study of postharvest physiology and nutrient components between Guiken 3 and Hass avocado fruits
英文题名:A comparative study of postharvest physiology and nutrient components between Guiken 3 and Hass avocado fruits
作者:黄雪梅[1] 黄烈健[2] 王莹[1] 张昭其[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of South China Agricultural University
外文关键词:avocado;;ripening;;pectinmethylesterase;;cellulase;;nutrient component;;oil;;protein
摘要:【目的】比较我国2个主栽油梨Persea americana品种桂垦3号和哈斯的后熟生理和营养品质.【方法】2个品种采收后在20℃条件下自然后熟8 d,测定后熟过程中乙烯释放量和呼吸速率等生理变化以及含油量等营养品质的变化.【结果和结论】桂垦3号的乙烯峰出现在第5天,比哈斯提前1 d,且峰值约为哈斯的5倍.后熟过程中果肉的纤维素酶、果胶甲酯酶活性高于哈斯,而原果胶和可溶性果胶含量低于哈斯,果肉膜透性大于哈斯,硬度则低于哈斯.后熟过程中,2个品种果肉中油脂含量、可溶性蛋白含量以及类胡萝卜素含量均不断上升,而可溶性糖含量不断下降;哈斯的果肉含油量在整个后熟过程中高于桂垦3号,两者完熟后的油质量分数分别为21.0%和11.7%,而哈斯的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖以及类胡萝卜素含量在整个后熟过程中低于桂垦3号,完熟后哈斯可溶性蛋白、类胡萝卜素质量分数分别为9.1 mg·g-1、6.2μg·g-1,而桂垦3号分别为17.7 mg·g-1和7.8μg·g-1.桂垦3号比哈斯更易成熟软化,哈斯在含油量品质上高于桂垦3号,而桂垦3号在可溶性蛋白、类胡萝卜素含量品质上高于哈斯.
【Objective】Guiken 3 and Hass are the two main avocado,Persea ameriana,cultivars in China. The differences in postharvest physiology and nutrient components between Guiken 3 and Hass avocado during the ripening process were compared. 【Method】The fruits of Guiken 3 and Hass were harvested and allowed to ripen at 20 ℃. The physiological changes in postharvest and nutrient components during the fruit ripening process were determined.【Result and conclusion】A climacteric ethylene peak of Guiken 3 was observed on the 5th day,one day earlier than that in Hass,and the peak value was about 5times higher than that of Hass. During the ripening process,pectinmethylesterase and cellulase activities of Guiken 3 pulp were higher than those in Hass,and propectin pectin and soluble pectin contents were lower than those in Hass. Moreover,cell membrane permeability of Guiken 3 pulp was higher and the pulp firmness was lower than those of Hass. The oil,protein and carotenoid contents increased during the fruit ripening process,while soluble carbohydrate content decreased. The oil content of Hass pulp remained at a higher level during the ripening process than that of Guiken 3 pulp. The oil content reached21. 0% and 11. 7% in the ripened Hass and Guiken 3 fruits,respectively. But the soluble protein,soluble carbonhydrate and carotenoid contents of Hass pulp remained at lower levels compared with those of Guiken3. In the ripened Hass fruits,the contents of soluble protein and carotenoid reached 9. 1 mg ·g- 1and6. 2 μg·g- 1,respectively,while in Guiken 3,they were 17. 7 mg·g- 1and 7. 8 μg·g- 1,respectively.These results indicate that Guiken 3 avocado fruits ripen and soften more quickly than Hass,and Hass has a higher contents of oil,while Guiken 3 has higher contents of soluble protein and carotenoid.