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五列木天然群体的表型变异     被引量:6

Phenotypic variation of leaves of Pentaphylax euryoides Gardn. et Champ. natural populations



英文题名:Phenotypic variation of leaves of Pentaphylax euryoides Gardn. et Champ. natural populations

作者:陈勇[1] 李芳东[2] 王海军[3] 孙冰[1] 廖绍波[1] 罗水兴[1] 蔡刚[1] 刘东蔚[1]






外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Pentaphylax euryoides Gardn.et Champ.; leaf traits; geographic distribution; phenotypic variation


摘要:以粤、琼两省天然分布的五列木Pentaphylax euryoides Gardn.et Champ.为研究对象,调查7个群体138个单株的7个表型性状指标,运用变异系数和单因子方差分析研究群体间和群体内的表型变异,应用相关分析研究各表型性状间的相关性以及各表型性状与地理因子间的相关性,并且运用聚类分析进行群体分类。结果表明:除群体2外,其他群体内单株间各表型性状的差异均达到显著或极显著水平。7个天然群体间叶长、基宽距、叶柄长和叶基角的差异均达到显著或极显著水平。侧脉数、叶宽、叶长宽比、基宽距、叶柄长与叶长呈显著正相关,侧脉数、叶长、基宽距、叶柄长、叶基角与叶宽呈显著正相关,叶宽和叶柄长与叶基角成显著正相关,叶长宽比与叶基角呈显著负相关。叶长、叶宽、基宽距、叶柄长以及叶基角都与经度、纬度呈极显著的正相关,叶柄长和叶基角与海拔呈极显著的正相关,基宽距与海拔呈显著相关性。通过聚类分析可将7个五列木群体分为2类:1、2、3为一类;4、5、6和7为一类。
Seven phenotypic traits were investigated on 7 natural populations of Pentaphylax euryoides Gardn.et Champ.from Guangdong and Hainan of China,including 138 individuals.The phenotypic variations among the populations and within the populations were studied by using variation coefficients method and F-test of one-way variance analysis.The correlation among the phenotypic characters and the correlation between the phenotypic characters and geographical factors were studied.The natural population classification was conducted by using clustering analysis method.The results show that within 6 populations,the differences of phenotypic characters among single plant all reached significant level or very significant level except that of population No.2.Among 7 populations,length of leaves,height of max width,length of petiole and angle of leaf base were significant or quite significant differences;number of lateral vein,width of leaves,leaf length/width,height of max width,length of petiole was remarkably positively correlated to length of leaves.Number of lateral vein,length of leaves,height of max width,the length of petiole was remarkably positively correlated to width of leaves.Width of leaves,length of petiole was remarkably positively correlated to angle of leaf base.Leaf length/width was remarkably negatively correlated to angle of leaf base.Among 7 phenotypic traits,length of leaves,width of leaves,height of maximum width,length of leaves to longitude,length of petiole and angle of leaf base were remarkably correlated to longitude and latitude,length of petiole and angle of leaf base to altitude,height of maximum width to altitude.Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed that these 7 populations can be divided into two groups:(1)No.1,No.2 and No.3 belong to first group;(2) No.4,No.5,No.6 and No.7 second group.



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