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不同养分环境下邻株竞争对木荷和杉木生长、细根形态及分布的影响     被引量:18

Effects of neighbor competition on growth,fine root morphology and distribution of Schima superba and Cunninghamia lanceolata in different nutrient environments



英文题名:Effects of neighbor competition on growth,fine root morphology and distribution of Schima superba and Cunninghamia lanceolata in different nutrient environments

作者:姚甲宝[1,2] 楚秀丽[1] 周志春[1] 童建设[3] 王晖[3] 余家中[3]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:Schima superba ; Cunninghamia lanceolata; neighbor competition ; fine root ; morpho-logical plasticity.


Taking Schima superba and Cunninghamia lanceolata as test materials, a pot experiment was conducted to simulate the heterogeneous and homogeneous forest soil nutrient environments, and design three planting modes including single plant, two-strain pure plant and two-strain mixed ones to reason the promotion in mixed S. superba and C. lanceolata plantation and the competitive advantage of S. superba. Results showed that compared with the homogeneous nutrient environment, both S. superba and C. lanceolata had the higher seedling height and dry matter accumulation, when mixed in the heterogeneous nutrient environment, S. superba displayed the obviously competitive ad- vantage, which related to its root plasticity. The fine root of S. superba mixed in each diameter class showed a lot of hyperplasia, and the root total length, surface area and volume of which were 80%-180% higher than that of C. lanceolata. S. growth strategy of vertical direction in fine roots, petitive advantage in low nutrient patches, colonization and niche differentiation in fine competition for nutrients of the roots of the superba took the advantage of the compensatory namely, they still multiplied to gain greater com- besides occupying eutrophic surface. The different soil root of S. superba and C. lanceolata alleviated the strong two species, and improved the mixed-plantation produc-tion. Pure plantation of S. superba harvested the lower yi inhibited the growth of root system. Fine roots staggered eld, which due to the root self-recognition and evenly distributed on the space might be a reason for stable structure of pure S. superba plantation. So, it was recommended that block surface layer soil preparation and fertilization are used to improve the soil nutrient distribution, and the mixed plantation is constructed to promote the growth of S. superba and C. lanceolata, at the same time, the stand density is regulated to promote tree ~rowth for the pure artificial S. superba plantation which had already been built.



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