金沙江干热河谷植被恢复树种盆栽苗蒸腾耗水特性的研究 被引量:10
Studies on Transpiration of Seedlings of the Tree Species for Vegetation Restoration in the Dry-hot Valleys of the Jinsha River
英文题名:Studies on Transpiration of Seedlings of the Tree Species for Vegetation Restoration in the Dry-hot Valleys of the Jinsha River
作者:段爱国[1] 张建国[1] 张俊佩[1] 王军辉[1] 李昆[2] 张守攻[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:the dry-hot valleys of the Jinsha River; vegetation restoration ; water consumption by transpiration ; daily change ; season effect
Transpiration of twenty-eight potted afforestation species for vegetation restoration in the dry-hot valleys of the Jinsha River was studied on typical sunny day in different seasons. Five main conclusions were gotten as follows : ( 1 ) In dry and hot March, the variation range of water consumption through transpiration in whole day of twenty-five species was 171.80 -731.00 g, in which, the water consumption in the day was 147.10 -631.70 g, the proportion of water consumption in the day time arrived 78.83% -91.16% ; except for one species, the average water consumption rate in the day of twenty-four tree species was 0. 95 6. 91 mmol · m^-2· s^-1 ; different species had obvious differences in aspect of water consumption capacity while water supply was enough. (2) In wet October, the variation range of water consumption through transpiration in whole day of fourteen broad-leaf tree species was 148.65 - 303.28 g, the average water consumption rate in the day varied in the range of 0.82 -2.12 mmol · m^-2 · s^-1. (3)The water consumption rates of all the test tree species in the dry-hot season were higher than the ones in the wet season, the dry-hot weather promoted the transpiration of seedlings, and strengthened the transpiring water consumption rate. (4) The dry-hot stress delayed the presentation of the transpiring water consumption peak values for the most tree species, and decreased the width of daily transpiration change for the absolutely most test tree species. (5) In normal water supply, the daily change of water consumption and water consumption rate of twenty-five tree species took on "single peak style", and this characteristics did not affected by the extend of atmosphere drought which was caused by season variation. During the course of soil drought stress, the peak value of transpiration of seedlings brought forward, the type of single peak kurtosis had the trend of transition to multi-peak kurtosis.