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南亚热带杉木生态系统生物量和碳素积累及其空间分布特征     被引量:57

Characteristics of Biomass,Carbon Accumulation and Its Spatial Distribution in Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest Ecosystem in Low Subtropical Area



英文题名:Characteristics of Biomass,Carbon Accumulation and Its Spatial Distribution in Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest Ecosystem in Low Subtropical Area

作者:康冰[1,2] 刘世荣[2] 蔡道雄[3] 卢立华[3]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:biomass ; carbon storage ; spacial distribution; Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation; extreme zone; lower subtronical area


摘要:Carbon accumulation and distribution were studied in three plots of a 13 years old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) forest in Daqingshan,Guangxi. The results showed that the average carbon concentration in all organs was in the following order: leaf (510.5)>bark (501.8)>wood (485.1)>root (476.5)>branch(462.1) (g·kg -1 ). The carbon concentration of soil (to 60 cm depth) ranged from 11.4 to 21.1 (g·kg -1 ),with an average of 16.6 (g·kg -1 ). Carbon concentration of surface soil (to 20 cm) was higher than the other layer. The average carbon concentrations (g·kg -1 ) in different layers were in the order as: trees (497)> shrub (437.5) >standing litters (437.5)>herb (407.8). The carbon storage of the forest ecosystem was in order of soil layer>vegetation >standing litter. Of total average carbon,23.87% was in vegetation component,74.27% in soil (60 cm depth),and only 1.86% in standing ground litter layer. The tree layer occupied 22.93% of total carbon storage in the ecosystem and 96.07% of carbon storage in the vegetation layer. The carbon storage in different organs was positively related to the biomass of corresponding organs. Trunk accumulated the highest carbon storage,comprising 58.40% of carbon storage in tree layer. Secondly,root made up 20.09% of total tree carbon. The annual net productivity of Chinese fir plantation was 10.10 t·hm -2 a -1 ,stored carbon up to 4.67 t·hm -2 a -1 ,equal to 17.13 t·hm -2 a -1 of CO2. Chinese fir plantation was an important sink of atmospheric CO2. But its capacity of C sequestration decreased gradually in this region.
Carbon accumulation and distribution were studied in three plots of a 13 years old Chinese fir (Cunningharnia lanceolata) forest in Daqingshan, Guangxi. The results showed that the average carbon concentration in all organs was in the following order: leaf (510.5) 〉 bark (501.8) 〉 wood (485.1) 〉 root(476.5) 〉 branch(462.1) (g·kg^-1). The carbon concentration of soil (to 60 cm depth) ranged from 11.4 to 21.1 (g·kg^-1), with an average of 16.6 (g·kg^-1). Carbon concentration of surface soil ( to 20cm) was higher than the other layer. The average carbon concentrations ( g·kg^-1) in different layers were in the order as : trees (497) 〉 shrub (437.5) 〉 standing litters (437.5) 〉 herb (407.8). The carbon storage of the forest ecosystem was in order of soil layer 〉 vegetation 〉 standing litter. Of total average carbon, 23.87 % was in vegetation component, 74.27 % in soil (60 cm depth), and only 1.86 % in standing ground litter layer. The tree layer occupied 22.93 % of total carbon storage in the ecosystem and 96.07 % of carbon storage in the vegetation layer. The carbon storage in different organs was positively related to the biomass of corresponding organs. Trunk accumulated the highest carbon storage, comprising58.40% of carbon storage in tree layer. Secondly, root made up 20.09% of total tree carbon. The annual net productivity of Chinese fir plantation was 10.10 t·hm^-2a^-1, stored carbon up to 4.67 t·hm^-2a^-1, equal to 17.13 t·hm^-2a^-1 of CO2. Chinese fir plantation was an important sink of atmospheric CO2.But its capacity of C sequestration decreased gradually in this region.



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