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回归崖柏苗木存活和生长对海拔梯度的响应  ( EI收录)   被引量:2

Responses of Survival and Growth of Thuja sutchuenensis Reintroduction Seedlings to Altitude Gradient



英文题名:Responses of Survival and Growth of Thuja sutchuenensis Reintroduction Seedlings to Altitude Gradient

作者:简尊吉[1] 马凡强[1] 郭泉水[1] 裴顺祥[2] 秦爱丽[1] 肖文发[1] 赵志禄[3]


通信作者:Guo, Quanshui







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:altitude gradient; Thuja sutchuenensis seedling; survival rate; growth characteristics; gray relation analysis(GRA) ; response ; reintroduction


摘要:【目的】研究回归崖柏苗木存活和生长对海拔梯度的响应,为崖柏回归区域选择及引种栽培提供科学依据。【方法】在重庆市雪宝山自然保护区及周边区域海拔178(白鹤),1 360(营盘)和2 250 m(车场坝)处布设试验地。采用1.5年生崖柏实生容器苗作为供试苗木。在各试验地架设1台气温和土温自动监测仪,并逐月调查苗木存活率、苗高和地径。苗木生长结束后,随机抽取部分植株,测定表型生长性状及地上和地下部分鲜、干质量;同时,采集土样,测定土壤理化性质。在此基础上,对崖柏苗木存活和生长与环境因子进行灰色关联分析。【结果】在研究区域内,海拔每升高100 m,空气和土壤年均温分别下降0.6和0.5℃,≥10℃年积温分别减少205.3和171.7℃;随海拔升高,土壤密度、p H值、速效磷含量降低,其他土壤指标(毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度、毛管持水量、田间持水量、最大持水量、有机质含量、全氮含量、速效氮含量和速效钾含量)增加;中海拔(营盘试验地)苗木存活率最高(100%),低海拔(白鹤试验地)次之(94%),高海拔(车场坝试验地)最低(36%);苗木出现死亡的时间为3—4月,高海拔试验地苗木死亡高峰期为5—8月,低海拔试验地为7—9月份;除最长一级侧枝长和一级侧根数表现为中海拔>低海拔>高海拔外,其他表型生长指标和苗木鲜、干质量均表现为低海拔>中海拔>高海拔,且不同试验地间差异显著(P<0.05);回归崖柏苗木存活和生长受多种环境因子影响,关联度较大的是空气和土壤温度,其次是土壤p H值,再次为土壤密度,其他土壤理化指标的关联度较小。【结论】海拔梯度造成的温度、水分和土壤肥力异质性对回归崖柏苗木的存活和生长有极大影响;过低的气温和土温以及土壤长期积水对高海拔区域回归崖柏苗木的存活和生长起到了制约作用;中、低海拔的环境条件可以满足回归崖柏苗木存活和生长的基本需求;崖柏回归不宜在海拔2 200 m左右的高海拔区域进行,中、低海拔区域可以作为崖柏回归的首选区域。
【Objective】 The responses of the Thuja sutchuenensis seedling survival and growth to altitude gradient were studied to provide scientific basis for regional selection of reintroduction and expanding cultivation of T. sutchuenensis in the future.【Method】The experimental plots were located at altitudes of 178( Baize),1 360,( Yangban) and 2 250 m( Chethana) in the Xuebaoshan Nature Reserve of Chongqing Municipality and the surrounding area. The seedlings used in the experiment were 1. 5 years old container-raised seedlings. After seedlings were reintroduced,air temperature and soil temperature in each plot were monitored using an automatic monitoring instrument; survival rate,height and ground diameter of the seedlings were monthly measured. The seedlings were randomly sampled from different experimental plots after growing season to measure their phenotypic traits,fresh mass and dry mass. At the same time,the soil samples were collected to measure their physical and chemical properties. On the basis of these,gray relation analysis( GRA) was applied to quantify the correlation between survival rate,growth and environmental factors.【Result】In the study area,when altitude increases 100 m,the mean annual air and soil temperature respectively decreased by 0. 6 and 0. 5 ℃,and≥10 ℃ air and soil accumulated temperature respectively decreased by 205. 3 and 171. 7 ℃. Soil density,p H value and available phosphorus gradually decreased with increasing altitude,while other soil indicators( capillary porosity,total porosity,capillary water capacity,non-capillary water capacity,maximum water capacity,organic matter,total nitrogen,available nitrogen,available potassium) increased. The survival rate of seedlings of middle altitude( Yingpan plot) was the highest( 100%),followed by the low altitude( Baihe plot,94%),the lowest survival rate was found at the high altitude( Chechangba plot,36%). Seedlings began to die during March to April. The peak of seedling mortality in high altitude appeared from May to August while that in low altitude appeared from July to September. Except for length of the longest first lateral branch and number of first lateral roots( middle altitude low altitude high altitude),other phenotypic traits,fresh mass and dry mass of the seedlings increased with increasing altitude( low altitude middle altitude high altitude) and showed significant differences among experimental plots( P〈0. 05). The survival rate and growth were influenced by various environmental factors. Among them,air temperature and soil temperature were the main factors,followed by soil p H and soil density,finally other soil physical and chemical properties. 【Conclusion 】The heterogeneity of temperature,moisture and soil fertility caused by the altitudinal gradients had great influence on the survival rate and the growth of the seedlings,which were restricted due to lower air and soil temperature,and soil water for a long-term accumulation in high altitude area. However,the environmental conditions of low and middle altitudes can meet the basic requirement of seedling survival rate and growth. Therefore,the low and middle altitude areas,not the high altitude area( ≥2 200 m above sea level) were preferred areas for the reintroduction of T. sutchuenensis.



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