不同林龄柚木人工林心边材生长变异特征 ( EI收录)
Growth Variation of Heartwood and Sapwood of Teak( Tectona grandis) Plantations at Different Ages
英文题名:Growth Variation of Heartwood and Sapwood of Teak( Tectona grandis) Plantations at Different Ages
作者:杨保国[1] 贾宏炎[1] 郝建[1] 李运兴[1] 庞圣江[1] 刘士玲[1] 张培[1] 牛长海[1] 蔡道雄[1]
通信作者:Cai, Daoxiong
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Tectona grandis;forest age;growth;heartwood;sapwood
摘要:【目的】探明广西大青山林区不同林龄柚木人工林心、边材量及心材年轮数和心材高度的生长变异特征,以期为了解该区域柚木心边材发育特征、心边材量预测及高质量、大径级柚木目标树的高效培育提供基础数据和科学依据。【方法】以广西大青山10、18、31和41年生柚木人工林平均木的解析木为研究对象,对心、边材的方位变异和心、边材量的株间差异进行方差分析,并采用曲线估计法拟合心、边材量与横截面直径、总年轮数之间的回归模型,研究柚木心、边材生长变异特征。【结果】各林龄柚木树干心材半径主要为北向最大,边材宽度则主要为北向和东向最大,各林龄内,树干4个方位的心材半径、边材宽度均无显著差异(P>0.05)。各林龄柚木心材半径、心材面积和边材面积均表现为随树高增加持续减小,边材宽度在树干基部(0~1 m)明显偏大,且在树干一定区域内保持相对稳定。林分心、边材量总体表现为随林龄增加而增大,不同林龄林分间除边材宽度差异不显著外(P>0.05),心材半径、心材面积和边材面积均存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。横截面心、边材量随横截面直径和总年轮数的增加而增加,其中与横截面直径的相关性高于总年轮数,而总年轮数对心材发育早期影响较大。各林龄内,柚木个体的心边材量、心材消失最大高度存在较大的株间变异,其中,心材面积和边材面积的变异程度相近,心材半径、边材宽度和心材消失最大高度的变异程度相近。柚木最早在4年生时开始有心材形成,不同林龄的心材年轮数均表现为随总年轮数增加而增加,总年轮数可解释心材年轮数80%以上的变化,10、18、31和41年生柚木心材年轮数年均增长速率分别为0.9轮、0.7轮、1.0轮和1.0轮。柚木心材消失最大高度、心材消失的相对高度均与林龄呈正相关关系,即随着林龄的增大,心材在树干更高处消失。【结论】柚木心材形成初始年龄最早为4年生,属心材形成较早的树种。各林龄内,方位对柚木心、边材影响较小。柚木的心材半径、心材面积、边材面积和心材消失最大高度,均表现随林龄增加而显著增加,而边材宽度无显著变化。柚木横截面直径可以更好地解释横截面心、边材量的变化,总年轮数仅能解释柚木前期(<31年生)心材量的变化。研究认为41年生柚木心材仍有很大增长潜力,若要达到高质量、大径级的培育目标,还需要更长时间的培育。
【Objective】The growth and variation characteristics of heartwood and sapwood,ring number of heartwood,and height of heartwood in different-aged teak(Tectona grandis)plantations in Daqing mountain of Guangxi were investigated,so as to provide scientific basis and basic data for understanding the developmental characteristics of heartwood,predicting heartwood quantity and efficiently cultivating high-quality and large-diameter teak target trees in this region.【Method】Average trees from 10,18,31 and 41-year-old teak plantations in Daqing mountain of Guangxi province were selected to analyze variation of heartwood and sapwood among orientations and among individual trees using variance analysis,and the regression model between amount of heartwood and sapwood,cross-sectional diameter,and total number of annual rings were fitted by curve estimation method to study the growth variation of teak heartwood and sapwood.【Result】The heartwood radius of teak trees was the largest in the north direction,while the sapwood width was the largest in the north and the east directions,and there were no significant differences in the heartwood radius and sapwood width among four stem orientations at the same age(P>0.05).The heartwood radius,heartwood area and sapwood area decreased with tree height regardless of ages.The sapwood width was relatively larger at the base of the trunk(0-1 m)and remained constant in a certain area.With the increase of forest age,the amounts of sapwood and heartwood increased in the four forests,and there was no significant difference in sapwood width(P>0.05),however there were significant differences in heartwood radius,heartwood area and sapwood area among forest ages(P<0.01).The cross-sectional heartwood and sapwood increased with the increase of the cross-sectional diameter and the total number of annual rings,among which the influence of stem cross-sectional diameter was higher than that of the total number of rings,and the total number of annual rings had a great influence on the early development of heartwood.There was relatively large tree-to-tree difference in the amounts of sapwood and heartwood,as well as the maximum heartwood height of teak trees for the same forest age,in which the degree of variation in the areas of heartwood and sapwood was similar,and the degree of variation in the heartwood radius,the sapwood width,and the disappeared maximum height of the heartwood were also similar to each other.Teak began to form heartwood at the age of four years.The number of heartwood rings of different ages increased with the increase of the total number of annual rings.The total number of annual rings accounted for more than 80%of the variation in the number of heartwood rings.The annual growth rates of 10-,18-,31-and 41-year-old teak trees were 0.9 ring,0.7 ring,1.0 ring,and 1.0 ring,respectively.The maximum height and relative height of heartwood were positively correlated with forest age,with the increase of forest age,the heartwood disappeared at a higher position of the trunk.【Conclusion】The initial age of heartwood formation of teak trees was 4 years,which was a tree species with early heartwood formation.Within each forest age,the orientation had little effect on the heartwood and sapwood of teak trees.The heartwood radius,heartwood area,sapwood area and maximum heartwood height increased significantly with the age of teak trees,while the heartwood width did not change significantly.The cross-sectional diameter could better explain the variation in the amounts of sapwood and heartwood,and the total number of rings only explain the variation in the amount of heartwood prior to 31-year-old teak trees.According to the study,41-year-old teak heartwood still has great growth potential,and longer cultivation is needed to reach the goal of high-quality and larger-diameter teak trees.