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蒿柳成花过程中内源激素和多胺含量变化特征  ( EI收录)   被引量:2

Variations of Endogenous Hormones and Polymines during Flowering Process in Male and Female Salix viminalis



英文题名:Variations of Endogenous Hormones and Polymines during Flowering Process in Male and Female Salix viminalis

作者:彭向永[1,2] 程运河[1] 李振坚[1] 于永畅[1] 邹竣竹[1] 孙振元[1]


通信作者:Sun, Zhenyuan







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Salix viminalis;flowering;endogenous hormones;ploymines;gender difference


【Objective】In order to analyze the mechanism of flower organ formation and sex determination in dioecious plants,and provide theoretical support for the artificial regulation of flower organ formation and sex differentiation,the endogenous hormones and polyamines contents during the transition process from vegetative to reproductive growth were studied,and their regulation on flower bud differentiation and gender difference in male and female Salix. viminalis were investigated.【Method】The growth process of annual shoots of S. viminalis was divided into three stages: vegetative growth stage,flower bud physiological differentiation stage and flower bud morphological differentiation stage. In this paper,the15-20-year-old female and male S. viminalis trees were used,and the contents of ABA,ZT,IAA,GA3,Put,Spm and Spd in the annual shoot tips were determined using HPLC-MS/MS Q-TRAP at different growth stages,and relationship between changes of the endogenous hormones and polyamines with gender differences were analyzed. 【Result 】In the process from the vegetative growth stage to the flower bud physiological differentiation stage,the contents of ABA,ZT,Put,Spm and Spd and ABA/GA3 and ZT/GA3 ratios in male and female S. viminalis,and the IAA/ZT ratio in the females significantly increased; the IAA/ABA ratio in male and female S. viminalis and the GA3 content in males significantly decreased. The contents of Put,Spm and Spd in male and female S. viminalis,ZT/GA3 ratio in males andIAA/ABA ratio in females significantly increased from the flower bud physiological differentiation stage to the flower bud morphological differentiation stage. There were significant gender differences between male and female in IAA,Spd contents and IAA/ABA ratio during S1 stage,in ABA,ZT,IAA,Spd contents and IAA/ABA ratio during S2 stage,and in ABA content and ABA/GA3,ZT/GA3,IAA/ABA,IAA/ZT ratios during S3 stage. 【Conclusion】High levels of ABA,ZT,IAA,PAs,ABA/GA3 and ZT/GA3 could initiate flower bud physiological differentiation and higher levels of PAs,ZT/GA3 and IAA/ABA could benefit the flower bud morphological differentiation in male and female S. viminalis. During the process of transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth,although the trends of endogenous hormones and polyamines are similar in female and male S. viminalis,their contents of BA,ZT,IAA,Spd and IAA/ABA ratio appear significantly gender different at certain stages of development,which may be related to sex determination.



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