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帽峰山常绿阔叶林辐射通量特征     被引量:8

Characteristics of radiation fluxes of an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Maofeng Mountain,Guangzhou,China



英文题名:Characteristics of radiation fluxes of an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Maofeng Mountain,Guangzhou,China

作者:陈进[1] 陈步峰[1] 潘勇军[1] 肖以华[1] 史欣[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:radiation balance; photosynthetically active radiation; distribution rate; PAR/K↓ ratio


摘要:常绿阔叶林作为南亚热带气候条件下森林的典型代表,在森林辐射研究中扮演着重要的角色。基于广州帽峰山常绿阔叶林1 a的辐射观测数据,分析了其时序变化和分配等规律。结果表明:太阳总辐射(K↓)、反射辐射(K↑)和净辐射(Rn)通量日变化呈典型的单峰曲线,大气逆辐射(L↓)、森林长波辐射(L↑)呈余弦曲线,长波有效辐射(Ln)呈波浪形。各辐射总量均为雨季大于旱季,Ln除外;帽峰山常绿阔叶林K↓年总量为4201.22 MJ/m2,Rn、K↑和Ln占其比例分别为63%、11%和26%。Rn通量分配率日变化呈倒"U"型曲线,Ln和K↑呈"U"型曲线。林冠上光合有效辐射(PARa)日平均值旱季小于雨季,林冠下(PARb)则相反;PARa变异系数旱雨季均小于PARb;PARa日变化呈典型的单峰曲线,PARb整体和PARa一致,仅在中午时刻出现微弱双峰。PAR透射率日峰值出现时间范围与K↓基本一致,尤其是在雨季,PAR透射率日平均值雨季大于旱季。帽峰山常绿阔叶林PAR/K↓比率为20%左右。
Solar radiation is the primary energy source for ecosystems.The energy from net radiation(Rn) drives an ecosystem′s material cycling and energy flow.Radiation with a wavelength of 0.4—0.7 μm is called photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) and can be used by plants for photosynthesis.Southern subtropical,evergreen broad-leaved forests play an important and representative role in the study of forest radiation.This study analyzed temporal changes and distribution of solar radiation components based on radiation observations in Maofeng Mountain Forest Park,Guangzhou in 2010.Results show the diurnal variation in global radiation(K↓),reflected radiation(K↑) and Rn can all be represented by typical single-peak curves.Atmospheric inverse-radiation(L↓) and forest long-wave radiation(L↑) can be represented by cosine curves while effective long-wave radiation(Ln) can be represented by an undulating curve.Gross radiation for each type measured,except for Ln,was greater in the rainy season than in the dry season.Annual gross K↓ in the evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Maofeng Mountain Forest Park was 4,201.22 MJ/m2,of which Rn,K↑ and Ln accounted for 63%,11% and 26% of the radiation,respectively.Annual gross downward radiation was 16,374.08 MJ/m2,of which L↓ and K↓ accounted for 74.34% and 25.66% of the radiation,respectively.Annual gross upward radiation was 13,726.77 MJ/m2,of which L↑ and K↑ accounted for 96.55% and 3.45% of the radiation,respectively.Diurnal variation in the Rn/K↓ ratio showed an inverted U-shaped curve while the Ln/K↓ and K/K↓ ratios showed U-shaped curves.Daily mean PAR above the canopy(PARa) in the dry season was less than in the rainy season,and PAR under the canopy(PARb) showed an opposite seasonal pattern.The coefficient of variation(CV) for PARa was less than for PARb in both the dry and rainy seasons.Diurnal variation of PARa showed a typical single-peak curve,while the PARb curve was similar but with a weak double-peak appearing at noon.The location of the PAR transmissivity peak mostly coincided with the peak for K↓ especially in the rainy season.Daily mean PAR transmissivity on rainy days was greater than on clear days,especially in the dry season.Daily mean PAR transmissivity in the rainy season was greater than in the dry season.PARa and PARb had a significant linear regression relationship on daily scale,but did not on monthly scale.PARa and K↓ had a significant linear regression on both daily and monthly scales.The linear regression relationship between PARb and K↓ was only significant on a daily scale.The PAR/K↓ ratio of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Maofeng Mountain was about 20% which was far less than the universal value of 50%.A comparison of K↓ and Rn at this site with the forests in different geographical positions and altitudes such as the tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna,the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Dinghu Mountain,and the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountain,revealed the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Maofeng Mountain had the lowest annual gross K↓ and the highest Rn/K↓ ratio.



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