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施肥对降香黄檀营养生长和生殖生长的影响     被引量:11

Effects of Fertilization on the Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen.



英文题名:Effects of Fertilization on the Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen.

作者:王丽云[1,2] 刘小金[1] 崔之益[1] 徐大平[1] 杨曾奖[1] 张宁南[1] 洪舟[1] 陈家堂[2] 黄维荣[2]








外文期刊名:Bulletin of Botanical Research





外文关键词:Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen. ;vegetative growth;reproductive growth;formula fertilization


摘要:研究施肥对降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen.)营养生长和生殖生长的影响,为不同经营目标的降香黄檀人工林培育提供技术支撑。本研究以8年生降香黄檀为对象,设置N(185.6 g N/株)、P(120 g P_2O_5/株)、K(120 g K_2O/株)、PK(120 g P_2O_5+120 g K_2O/株)、NPK(185.6 g N+120 g P_2O_5+120 g K_2O/株)以及不施肥(对照)等六个处理,调查施肥后盛花期内一年生新梢、叶、花的生长情况。结果表明:6个施肥处理间降香黄檀营养生长和生殖生长均差异显著(P<0.05)。N处理的营养枝率、营养枝复叶数和小叶宽分别比对照提高40.25%、21.75%和9.52%,花序直径和花序生物量则降低12.75%和48.63%,显示N肥能促进降香黄檀营养生长,抑制生殖生长,有利于大径材培育;P、PK处理的营养枝率较对照显著降低47.96%和46.84%,表明P肥和K肥能促进生殖生长,有利于良种选育;NPK处理能同时显著促进营养生长和生殖生长,其营养枝率、营养枝长度、营养枝复叶数、营养枝小叶长、宽和枝生物量比对照提高26.04%、68.16%、32.98%、15.20%、11.40%和83.60%,花序数量和花序生物量亦提高54.20%和49.84%。因此,在降香黄檀人工林培育实践中,可通过调整肥料的NPK配比(偏向N或PK)以实现营养生长或生殖生长调控之目的。
The experiment was conducted to study the fertilization on vegetative and reproductive growth of Dalbergia odorifera, and then provide useful suggestions for plantation management. The effects of Nitrogen ( N, 185.6 g N per tree), Phosphorus(P, 120 g P2O5 per tree), Potassium(K, 120 g K2O per tree) as well as their mixtures(PK, 120 g P2O5 mixed with 120 g K20 per tree; NPK, 185.6 g N mixed with 120 g P2P5 and 120 g K2O per tree) on leaf growth, branch development, inflorescences set and hiomass accumulation of a 8- year-old D. odorifera plantation were studied. There were significant differences on vegetative and reproductive growth of D. odorifera among these treatments ( P 〈 0.05 ). Nitrogen (N) treatment was helpful for vegetative growth of D. odorifera, and suitable for large-timber forest cultivation, because the ratio of vegetative branch, leaf number and leaflet width of vegetative branches were increased by 40.25%, 21.75% and 9.52%, and the inflorescence diameter and biomass were decreased by 12.75% and 48.63% , respectively. While P and P mixed with K were more appropriated for breeding purpose, because the ratio of vegetative branch was decreased by 47.96% and 46.84%, respectively. When N, P and K were mixed together(NPK), the vegetative and reproductive growth were both enhanced significantly (P 〈 0.05), because the ratio of vegetative branch, length of vegetative branch, leaf number, leaflet length, leaflet width, branch biomass, inflorescence number and inflorescence biomass were increased by 26. 04%, 68. 16%, 32. 98%, 15. 20%, 11. 40% , 83.60%, 54.20% and 49. 84%, respectively. Thus, the vegetative and reproductive growth of D. odorifera can be regulated though formula fertilization (biased to N or P and K).



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