菌剂与化肥对降香黄檀苗期生长、结瘤的影响 被引量:13
Effects of microbial inoculums and chemical fertilizer on growth and nodulation performances of Dalbergia odorifera seedlings
英文题名:Effects of microbial inoculums and chemical fertilizer on growth and nodulation performances of Dalbergia odorifera seedlings
作者:江业根[1] 陆俊锟[1] 康丽华[1] 王胜坤[1] 杨富成[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
外文关键词:Dalbergia odorifera; seedling; microbial inoculums; growth-promoting; nodulation
摘要:筛选出能促进降香黄檀苗期生长与结瘤的最佳施肥组合,探究菌剂在肥料中的作用。采用L9(34)正交设计,设立菌剂(根瘤菌+溶磷菌混合液,简称M)、N、P、K等施肥因素,以不施肥为对照,研究不同施肥处理对11个月生降香黄檀的生长与结瘤影响。结果表明:不同施肥处理间降香黄檀的生物量、根瘤数、瘤质量等指标差异极显著,施肥对降香黄檀的早期生长极为重要;降香黄檀的苗高、地上干质量、地下干质量、根瘤数和瘤质量在最佳施肥处理中,相关的指标分别是不施肥对照处理的1.98、4.86、4.34、78、400倍;影响降香黄檀生物量的4种因素从主到次排序为K>M=P>N,影响根瘤数的4种肥料因素从主到次的排序为K>M>P>N,表明K是降香黄檀苗期生长与结瘤最为重要元素;按极差分析法,最佳肥料组合中,处理6(M2N3P1K2)适宜苗高生长,处理3(M1N3P3K3)适宜全株生长,处理2(M1N2P2K2)适宜单株结瘤个数,处理7(M3N1P3K2)适宜单株结瘤质量;菌剂与化肥在降香黄檀苗期的生长过程中尤为重要,且K在降香黄檀的生长与结瘤过程中影响最大,其次为菌剂;综合分析各施肥处理在促生能力、化肥的使用量少等条件,处理2的施肥组合有利于降香黄檀苗期的生长与结瘤,且减少化肥施用量,即每株降香黄檀幼苗施入10 m L菌剂、0.54 g尿素、11.56 g磷酸氢二钠以及1.91 g氯化钾。研究结果将进一步了解降香黄檀苗期对菌剂、化肥的真实需求,并促进降香黄檀微生物肥料的开发。
Bio-fertilizers have emerged as an important component of the integrated nutrient supply system and have great potential to improve plant growth and reducing use of chemical fertilizers. Understanding the best association between microbial inoculums(M) and chemical fertilizer has theoretical and practical significance in Dalbergia odorifera plantations. The trial designed by orthogonal design with a L9(34) of M, N, P and K was to research the effects of different fertilizer treatments on the growth and nodulation of D. odorifera seedlings. The results of variance analysis of fertilizer trial of D. odorifera seedling showed that there are significant difference between 10 fertilizer treatments on the growth and nodulation performances. Height, shoot dry weight(DW), root DW, nodule number and dry weight of per plant of D. odorifera seedlings grown were 1.98, 4.86, 4.34, 78 and 400 times greater in the optimum fertilization association than in the negative control treatment. The rank of fertilization factors in D. odorifera seedlings growth was K M=P N, and the rank of nodulation was K M=P N, both indicating that the K element play a key role in the growth and nodulation of D. odorifera seedlings. According to the range analysis, the optimum fertilization associations of height, total plant DW, nodule number and DW per plant of D. odorifera seedlings were treatment 6(M2N3P1K2), treatment 3(M1N3P3K3), treatment 2(M1N2P2K2) and treatment 7(M3N1P3K2), respectively. K and microbial inoculums, two major fertilizers, were identified to be key limiting factors for D. odorifera seedlings growth and nodulation. Based on improving growth and reducing use of chemical fertilizers, it could be concluded that treatment 2(including 10 m microbial inoculums, 0.54 g urea, 11.56 g Na2HPO4·12H2O and 1.91 g KCl) would be the optimal fertilization association for D. odorifera seedlings. The generated results may have important implications for understanding of the actual fertilizer demand of D. odorifera seedlings, and for successfully producing the microbial fertilizers of D. odorifera.