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Leachability and Anti-Mold Efficiency of Nanosilver on Poplar Wood Surface  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:8


英文题名:Leachability and Anti-Mold Efficiency of Nanosilver on Poplar Wood Surface

作者:Dai, Xiaohan[1] Qi, Yanran[1] Luo, Hongxue[1] He, Zaixin[1] Wei, Lianxiang[1] Dong, Xiaoying[1] Ma, Xingxia[2] Yang, De-Quan[3] Li, Yongfeng[1]

第一作者:Dai, Xiaohan

通信作者:Dong, XY[1];Li, YF[1];Ma, XX[2]

机构:[1]Shandong Agr Univ, Coll Forestry, Key Lab State Forestry Adm Silviculture Lower Yel, Tai An 271018, Shandong, Peoples R China;[2]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Wood Ind, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China;[3]Solmont Technol Wuxi Co Ltd, 228 Linghu Blvd, Wuxi 214135, Jiangsu, Peoples R China






基金:This research was funded by Project of Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, grant number ZR2021MC095; Project of Shandong Provincial Agricultural Science and Technology Foundation (Forestry Science and Technology), grant number 2019LY008, and Key Laboratory of Bio-based Material Science & Technology (Northeast Forestry University), Ministry of Education, grant number SWZ-MS201912.


外文关键词:silver nanoparticle; wood surface; mold; protective efficiency; leachability

摘要:Water-based antimicrobial agents, used in environmentally friendly applications, are widely used in wood protection industries. Furthermore, nanomaterials as antimicrobial agents, because of their biocidal component, huge specific surface area, and unique nanoscale effect, have attracted attention in the field of biodurability. We employed aqueous dispersed nano-silver with a diameter of 10 nm-20 nm to treat poplar wood and evaluated its leaching resistance and anti-mold effect on the wood surface. The results revealed that the higher the retention of the nano-silver, the stronger the protection efficiency of the wood surface against three molds (Aspergillus niger V. Tiegh, Penicillium citrinum Thom, and Trichoderma viride Pers. ex Fr); and the leachability of the nano-silver presented a slowly growing trend with the increase in the retention. When the wood surface attained a silver retention of 0.324 g.m(-2) , its anti-mold efficiency against Aspergillus niger V. Tiegh, Penicillium citrinum Thom, and Trichoderma viride Pers. ex Fr reached 80, 75, and 80%, respectively, which achieved or even exceeded the required standard value of effective mold inhibition (75%). Notably, the nano-silver leaching rate at this retention attained merely 4.75 %. The nanoparticle, well distributed on a wood surface, may promote sufficient contact with fungi as well as strong interaction with wood cell wall components, which probably contributed to the effective anti-mold efficiency and the leaching resistance. This study provided positive evidence for the anti-mold effect of nano-silver on wood surface.



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