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海南岛青梅天然居群表型变异     被引量:29

Phenotypic Variations in Natural Populations of Vatica mangachapoi in Hainan,China



英文题名:Phenotypic Variations in Natural Populations of Vatica mangachapoi in Hainan,China

作者:尚帅斌[1] 郭俊杰[1] 王春胜[1] 赵志刚[1] 曾杰[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Vatica mangachapoi; natural population; phenotypic diversity; Hainan Island


摘要:【目的】通过居群取样以及果实与叶片性状测定,揭示青梅居群间和居群内的表型变异规律,为其天然林保护与经营以及种质资源收集、保存与利用提供科学依据,亦为海南岛青梅种及变种的修订提供基础数据。【方法】在全面调查海南岛青梅天然分布区的基础上,对9个天然居群133个单株的17个果实与叶片形态性状进行研究,运用巢式方差分析、多重比较、相关分析以及聚类分析等方法,探讨青梅天然居群表型多样性水平及其与地理、环境因子的相关性。【结果】巢式方差分析结果表明,17个果实和叶片形态性状在青梅居群间和居群内均存在极显著差异(P <0.01),说明这些性状在居群间与居群内均存在丰富的变异;居群内的变异(50.57%)远大于居群间(11.38%),居群平均表型分化系数为18.31%;各性状的分化系数变化幅度为4.52%(叶片侧脉数)~40.31%(果实小萼片长宽比)。相关分析表明,叶片长与叶柄长、叶片长宽比与叶片最宽处至基部的距离呈显著( P <0.05)或极显著( P <0.01)正相关,果实大萼片长与叶片侧脉数、叶柄长显著负相关;青梅果实和叶片形态性状与年均气温、年降水量相关不显著,叶片侧脉数、叶柄长与海拔呈显著正相关,而果实大萼片长与海拔呈显著负相关,叶片侧脉数、叶片长与1月平均气温呈显著负相关。利用居群间欧式距离进行 UPGMA 聚类分析,将9个青梅天然居群分为3类。【结论】应加强现存青梅天然林及其生境的保护,对于变异丰富的卡法岭等居群以及具特殊土壤生境的石梅湾居群应予以重点保护;居群内变异是海南岛青梅居群变异的主要来源,开展种质资源收集、迁地保存与遗传改良时,可适当增加居群内个体数,减少居群取样数;由于海南岛各青梅居群间形态性状变异幅度大,且为连续变异,本研究不支持以往发表的分布于海南岛的青梅新种和变种。
[Objective]Vatica mangachapoi is an endangered tree species distributed naturally in Hainan Island, China. Its population decreased rapidly along with heavy loss of natural forest resources and habitat fragmentation due to over-harvesting and devastating forests for arable land. Efficient strategies are urgently needed for conserving natural forest resources of this species. Moreover,the taxonomy of this species is in controversy,taxonomic status of some varieties still need to be proved. Properties of fruits and leaves were measured for trees sampled from different populations to reveal phenotypic variations within and among natural populations. The study would provide scientific evidences for conservation and management of natural forests,and collection,conservation and utilization of genetic resources of the species,and provide basic data for revision of the taxonomy of species and its varieties. [Method]Based on surveys of whole range of natural distribution of V. mangachapoi in Hainan Island,17 traits of fruit and leaf morphology were investigated for 133 individuals in 9 natural populations,and level of phenotypic diversity in its natural populations was assessed,and relationship between the diversity level and geographic and environmental factors was estimated using nest design,multiple comparison test,correlation analysis and cluster analysis.[Result]The variance analysis showed significant differences in the 17 morphological traits of fruit and leaf both within and among populations,indicating abundant variation among and within populations. The within-population variation ( 50. 57%) was far greater than the among-population variation (11. 38%); and the average phenotypic population differentiation coefficient was 18. 31% with a range from 4. 52% for the number of lateral leaf veins to 40. 31% for the length/width ratio of the short sepal. Correlation analysis revealed that there were significant positive correlations between leaf length and petiole length,leaf length/width ratio and distance from the widest position to leaf base,while the length of long fruit sepals were in significantly negative correlation with the number of lateral leaf veins and petiole length. No significant correlation was found between fruit and leaf traits and mean annual air temperature and precipitation. While there were significantly negative correlation between number of lateral vein,leaf length and mean air temperature in January,and the number of lateral veins and petiole length increased remarkably with the increment of elevation. The 9 natural populations were divided into 3 groups by UPGMA cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance calculated from phenotypic traits.[Conclusion]It is important to conserve the remaining natural forests and habitats of V. mangachapoi, and in particular, more attention need to be paid to conservation of populations with abundant variations such as Kafaling ( Population 4 ) and populations with special soil conditions such as Shimeiwan (Population 7). Within-population variation was the main source of variation,more individual trees and fewer populations should be used for genetic improvement and conservation of genetic resources. Furthermore,the findings of the present study do not support the new species and varieties in the Hainan Island which were published previously since morphological variation of fruit and leaf varied greatly and continuously,and the variation range were of considerable overlap among individuals within population and among all populations.



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