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竹林培育对生态系统碳储量的影响     被引量:22

Effects of bamboo cultivation on the carbon storage



英文题名:Effects of bamboo cultivation on the carbon storage

作者:李正才[1] 杨校生[1] 蔡晓郡[2] 孙娇娇[2] 格日乐图[1] 孙雪忠[2] 傅懋毅[1]











外文关键词:bamboo stands; intensive cultivation; extensive cultivation ; carbon storage


摘要:基于野外样地调查的方法研究了3种不同经营类型下竹林生态系统有机碳储量的差异。结果表明:(1)长期集约经营的毛竹林分,植被的碳储量要比粗放经营毛竹林的高12.1%,并且差异达到显著水平;集约、粗放经营的毛竹林植被碳储量都要显著高于集约经营早竹林;集约经营的毛竹林和粗放经营的毛竹林植被年固定碳数量分别为4.03 t/hm2和3.21 t/hm2。(2)由于耕作的物理效应,导致土壤微生物呼吸作用增强,加速了土壤有机碳的分解,所以集约经营的毛竹林土壤有机碳储量比粗放经营的低,下降了18.7%;集约经营的早竹林土壤有机碳下降更多,达46.9%。(3)粗放经营的毛竹林虽然植被有机碳的储量要比集约经营毛竹林的低,但是由于集约经营的毛竹林土壤有机碳储量下降的幅度要大于植被有机碳储量变化的幅度,因此粗放经营的毛竹林生态系统总的碳储量要比集约经营的毛竹林生态系统的总的碳储量高13.9%;集约经营的早竹林总的碳储量均显著低于粗放、集约经营的毛竹林,且差异达到了显著水平。(4)从竹林长期可持续经营的角度来看,应该降低毛竹林林地土壤人为干扰的强度,采用竹林土壤免耕、块状或者带状开垦技术,降低土壤呼吸强度,同时可以通过适度施有机肥来补充土壤有机碳的消耗,维持土壤地力,实现改善生态环境功能和维持竹林生产力相协调的目的。
This paper dealt with the effects of cultivation on the carbon storage of three bamboo ecosystem by means of field survey. The results showed ( 1 ) biomass carbon storage of intensive Moso bamboo stand was significantly increased by 12.1%, compared with that of extensive bamboo stand; biomass carbon storage of two Moso bamboo stand were significantly higher than that of the Phyllostachys praecox stand; and the annual amount of biomass carbon fixation of intensive and extensive Moso bamboo stand were 4.03 t/hm^2 and 3.21 t/hm^2 respectively, which meant that the annual carbon fixation amount of the former was 20.34 % higher than that of the latter; (2) soil carbon storage of intensive Moso bamboo stand was decreased by 18.7 %, while soil carbon storage of Ph. praecox stand was reduced by 46. 9 %, compared with extensive Moso bamboo stand because of the physical effects of soil tillage, which resulted in enhancement of the soil respiration and decompose of soil carbon; (3)the total carbon storage of extensive Moso bamboo stand was increased by 13.9 %, compared with that of the intensive bamboo stand, because the reduced scope of soil carbon storage was higher than that of the vegetation carbon storage; and the total carbon storage of Phyllostachys praecox stand was apparently lower than that of the Moso bamboo stand; (4) in order to maintain sustainable management of bamboo stand, soil disturbance should be decreased to reduce the soil respiration by means of soil non-tillage, soil clump or strip tillage, and in some case, organic fertilizer should be applied to bamboo stand, to fulfill the harmony between environment improvement and soil productivity maintenance.



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