民勤绿洲二白杨树干液流的径向变化及时滞特征 被引量:16
Radial variation and time lag of sap flow of Populus gansuensis in Minqin Oasis,Northwest China
英文题名:Radial variation and time lag of sap flow of Populus gansuensis in Minqin Oasis,Northwest China
作者:党宏忠[1] 杨文斌[1] 李卫[1] 张友焱[1] 李昌龙[2]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
外文关键词:radial difference; thermal dissipation probe; atmospheric potential evapotranspiration;diurnal pattern.
摘要:树木的树干液流是反映树木生理活动动态、估算单株耗水量的重要基础.本文利用热扩散技术,对民勤绿洲二白杨3株(30年生)大树树干边材各4个深度(2、3、5、8 cm)的液流速率(J)进行连续两个生长季(2011、2012)的监测.结果表明: 二白杨边材液流速率最高的位点约在形成层下3 cm深处(J3),其次依次为2、5和8 cm处(J2、J5和J8),在大气蒸发潜力(ET0)最强的6月,典型晴天日的J3可达28.53 g·cm-2·h-1,分别是J2、J5和J8的1.42、2.74和4.4倍,径向差异明显.在日变化过程中,边材不同深处间液流速率峰值出现的时刻相差在20 min以内,但与太阳总辐射(Rs)、大气水汽压亏缺(VPD)峰值出现的时刻相差较大,在生长旺季(6—8月)的典型晴天,J的峰值滞后Rs峰值的时长(时滞)可达55-88 min,越靠近边材内侧,时滞越长.J峰值提前于VPD峰值的时长达60-96 min,越靠近边材内侧,时滞越短.液流速率的季节变化与ET0的变化基本一致,随着树木生理活动的逐渐加强,液流传输的主要层次会向边材内部延伸.驱动不同深处液流变化的首要气象因子均为Rs,第二大因子因不同深度有所变化,越靠近内侧,代表水汽状况的因子(VPD)的重要性上升,甚至接近于Rs.
Sap flow of tree trunk is very important to reflect the dynamics of physiological activities, as well as to estimate the water consumption of individual plant. In the present study, we used the thermal dissipation technique to monitor the sap flow velocity (J ) at four depth loci (i.e. 2 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm) of three Populus gansuensis trees (30 yearold) in Minqin Oasis for two consecutive growing seasons. The results showed that there were significant differences among J values at four depth loci under tree trunk cambium. J value at the 3 cm depth locus (J3) of the tree trunk was the highest, and then in sequences, were 2 cm, 5 cm and 8 cm depth loci (J2,J5 and J8). J value (J3) on typical sunny days in June with the highest atmospheric potential evapotranspiration (ET0) was up to 28.53 g·cm-2·h-1, which was 1.42, 2.74 and 4.4 times of J2, J5 and J8, respectively. In the process of diurnal variation of sap flow velocity, the peak value time of J at the four depth loci of the tree trunk was different, but the differences among them were within 20 min. Furthermore, the peak value time of sap flow velocity was very different to that of solar radiation (Rs) and air vapour pressure deficit (VPD). The time lag between J and Rs was from 55 to 88 min on typical sunny days during the main growing seasons (from June to August), and, positively related to the depth of the locus under tree trunk cambium, while the time lag between J and VPD reached 60-96 min, and was negatively related to the depth of the locus. The seasonal variation patterns of J were consistent with ET0. With the increase of tree physiological activities, there was a trend that the major water transportation layer extended to the interior sapwood. The most important meteorological factor was the solar radiation, which primarily drove sap flow at different depths of tree trunk. However, the secondary factor changed along with the depth, and VPD became increasingly important with increasing the depth.