药用乔木树种猴耳环研究现状及开发利用前景 ( EI收录)
The Research Status and Utilization Prospect of Medicinal Tree Species of Archidendron clypearia
英文题名:The Research Status and Utilization Prospect of Medicinal Tree Species of Archidendron clypearia
作者:李梅[1] 黄世能[1] 陈祖旭[1] 马星宇[1] 金文云[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:medicinal tree species;Archidendron clypearia;current status;utilization prospect
Archidendron clypearia is a traditional Chinese medicinal tree species,it has widely been used in folk for a long history,and the researches and applications in the modern medicine field are more and more extensive. This paper briefly introduced the Latin names and taxonomy evolution, morphological characteristics, life habits and natural distribution of the tree species. The research progress and current status of its medicine,resources and cultivation were reviewed,the problems and solutions for its current research and applications were pointed out,and the prospect of its development and utilization was also prospected. Up to now,researches on A. clypearia at home and abroad are mainly concentrated in the aspects such as medicinal materials identification, chemical constituents, pharmacology and pharmacodynamics,clinical curative effects,as well as its pharmaceutical preparations and quality control of them. Its roots,twigs,leaves and fruits can all be used for medicine,which has obvious effects of clearing away heat and detoxification,cooling blood and detumescence,eliminating rheumatism and astringing sores,etc. Its major chemical compounds include flavonoids,catechols,tannides,which have been successfully purified and identified in more than forty chemical constituents,and the effective medicinal constituents are mainly Gallic acid,quercetin and quercitrin."Zheng Wei Pian"is a kind of compound medicine of it,while "Houerhuan antiphlogistic tablets","Houerhuan antiphlogistic capsule",and "Houerhuan antiphlogistic particles"are all single ingredient medicines made from it,all of them have been clinically verified effective in treatment and have been popularized in clinical use. These medicines can beclinically used for not only exclusive but also adjuvant treatments of such diseases as upper respiratory tract infection,acute pharyngitis,acute tonsillitis,acute gastroenteritis and so on,both of the two kind of treatments have significant effect. More and more medicinal materials of A. clypearia are demanded,but almost all of the commercial medicinal materials are still harvested from wild resources,excessive harvest has made a sharp decrease in wild resources and caused the serious supply shortage of the raw medicinal materials. Present cultivation researches on A. clypearia,including those on seed storage,seed germination and seedling cultivation technology,as well as those on cutting propagation and tissue culture techniques,are still at the preliminary status,it needs further technical improvement and perfection before turning the present cultivation technologies into practical technologies and being widely used in seedling production. Studies show that A. clypearia not only has a bright future in use of drugs for human health,but also has giant development potential in such areas as biological pesticide,landscaping,wood processing and utilization,and forestry economy and so on,it is of great significance to develop and utilize A. clypearia all around. In conclusion,it is imperative to protect the existing wild resources of A. clypearia,to improve and perfect its cultivation technology at present The future development directions are to carry out multi-field cooperation,common research and comprehensive exploitation and utilization of the tree species. It is the focus of future research directions to breed valuable varieties to meet the future needs and to improve the comprehensive utilization technology of the whole tree; and it is the ultimate development goal to establish large scale production bases of A. clypearia,to carry out multi-objective management and industrial utilization of it,and to make it fully benefit human society.