珍贵用材树种红椿4个变种栽培的潜在气候适生区预测 被引量:5
Predicting the Potentially Suitable Climate Areas for Four Varietas of Toona ciliata, in Yunan Province by Maximum Entropy(MaxEnt) Model
英文题名:Predicting the Potentially Suitable Climate Areas for Four Varietas of Toona ciliata, in Yunan Province by Maximum Entropy(MaxEnt) Model
作者:张春华[1,2] 雷晨雨[3] 王储[3] 冯德枫[1,2] 孙永玉[1,2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University:Natural Science
外文关键词:Toona ciliata;varietas;MaxEnt model;suitable climate area;precious timber tree
摘要:【目的】预测珍贵用材树种红椿(Toona ciliata)4个变种:思茅红椿(T.ciliata var.henryi)、毛红椿(T.ciliata var.pubescens)、红椿原变种(T.ciliata var.ciliata)和滇红椿(T.ciliata var.yunnanensis)在云南省的栽培气候适生区,探讨环境因子对红椿4个变种气候适生区分布格局的影响,为红椿变种的资源保护、引种栽培及大径材培育提供气候区划的理论依据。【方法】以红椿变种在云南省的实际分布数据及19个生物气候因子和海拔变量为基础,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型建立红椿变种潜在气候适生区分布模型。【结果】红椿变种潜在气候适生区预测模型的可信度和准确性较高[受试者工作曲线下面积(AUC)>0.9],但影响4个变种气候适生区分布的环境因子差异较大,且相同环境因子对不同变种的MaxEnt预测模型贡献率也不同。其中,限制红椿原变种、毛红椿、思茅红椿和滇红椿适生区分布的第1因子分别为等温性、最冷月最低温、温度季节变化标准差和年均温,贡献率分别为66.2%、49.0%、61.4%和63.6%;第2因子分别为温度季节变化标准差、年降水量、最干月降水量和等温性,贡献率分别为18.4%、18.7%、15.2%和15.8%。思茅红椿、滇红椿、毛红椿和红椿原变种在云南省范围内的潜在气候适生区面积分别为7.40×10^(4)、10.82×10^(4)、20.31×10^(4)和22.58×10^(4)km^(2)。【结论】依据潜在气候适生区面积得到的物种保护优先顺序为思茅红椿、滇红椿、毛红椿、红椿原变种,可在适地适树的前提下分区域有序推进红椿变种的资源保护、引种及优质大径级用材林建设。
[Purpose]To predicting the potentially and climate suitable areas of the valuable timber species, Toona ciliata var. henryi, T. ciliata var. pubescens, T. ciliata var. ciliata, and T. ciliata var.yunnanensis in Yunnan Province, and also examining the influences of environmental factors on their distribution pattern, as well as providing theoretical basis for resource protection, introduction, and large-diameter timber cultivation of T. ciliata. [Methods]The current distribution sites of four T.ciliata varietas and the corresponding altitude variables, 19 bioclimatic factors were applied to predict the potentially and climate suitable areas of T. ciliata varietas in Yunnan Province by a maximum entropy(MaxEnt) model. [ Results] There were a high reliability and accuracy(AUC>0.9) in the MaxEnt models of four T. ciliata varietas. The influencing factors and the contribution of specific environmental factor were different among four T. ciliata varietas. The first restriction factors in the suitable establishment areas were the isothermality with 66.2% contribution, minimum temperature of the coldest month with 49.0% contribution, standard deviation of temperature seasonal variation with61.4% contribution, and annual mean temperature with 63.6% contribution for T. ciliata var.ciliata, T. ciliata var. pubescens, T. ciliata var. henryi, and T. ciliata var. yunnanensis, respectively.Their second restriction variables were standard deviation of temperature seasonal variation with 18.4% contribution, annual precipitation with 18.7% contribution, precipitation of the driest month with 15.2% contribution, and the isothermality with 15.8% contribution, respectively. The potential areas of predicted distribution were 7.40×10^(4), 10.82×10^(4), 20.31×10^(4), and 22.58×10^(4)km^(2)for T. ciliata var. henryi, T. ciliata var. yunnanensis, T. ciliata var. pubescens, and T. ciliata var. ciliat.[Concludings] According to the magnitude of the predicted areas, the order of species protection priority are T. ciliata var. henryi, T. ciliata var. yunnanensis, T. ciliata var. pubescens, and T. ciliata var. ciliata. This finding would promote the resource protection, introduction, and large-diameter timber cultivation of T. ciliata varietas in the different regions under the principle of selecting suitable species for sites.