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屏边空竹四季出笋及幼竹生长发育规律研究     被引量:7

Study on Bamboo Shooting and Shoot Growth of Cephalostachyum pingbianense



英文题名:Study on Bamboo Shooting and Shoot Growth of Cephalostachyum pingbianense

作者:郑祥亁[1] 崔永忠[1] 陈凌娜[1] 杨汉奇[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Cephalostachyum pingbianense;shooting season;growth of shoot and young bamboo


摘要:[目的]揭示屏边空竹的发笋、退笋和幼竹生长规律。[方法]定点观测了30丛屏边空竹周年的出笋、退笋、秆高及地径生长数据,运用SPSS软件分析评价了不同季节出笋及幼竹生长规律。[结果](1)屏边空竹笋期历时9个月左右(从9月至次年5月),根据出笋量的差异可分为初期、盛期和末期,春季最多而夏季最少;其中5丛(16. 67%)每季出笋,具有四季发笋的习性。(2)退笋率随着笋期逐渐增加,在出笋末期达到最高,为87. 76%。(3)笋-幼竹高生长约130 d完成,平均秆高达6. 36 m;呈现"慢-快-慢"的生长规律,生长曲线可用三次曲线方程描述:H=0. 806-0. 029t+0. 001t2-5. 894×10-6t3,R2=0. 980。(4)地径的生长历时16 d左右,平均地径为18. 50 mm,也呈现"慢-快-慢"的生长规律。[结论]屏边空竹发笋期长约9个月,具有四季发笋的习性,但各季节出笋量差异显著;秆高和地径呈现"慢-快-慢"的生长规律。
[Objective]Cephalostachyum pingbianense is an excellent edible bamboo species endemic to southern Yunnan Province of China. So far,C. pingbianense is the only bamboo species recorded as producing shoots in all year under natural conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the biological characteristics of shooting and the growth pattern of young bamboos. [Method] The data of bamboo shooting number,degraded shoot number,culm height,diameters of shoot and young culms were collected from 30 clumps of C. pingbianense,and analyzed using SPSS software. [Result]( 1) The shooting duration of C. pingbianense lasted for about 9 months( from September to next May). According to the quantity of bamboo shoots,the shooting duration could be divided into three stages,i. e.,the early stage,the peak stage and late stage. The most shoots occurred in winter while the least occurred in summer. Five clumps( 16. 67%) produced bamboo shoots in each season,displaying the characteristics of producing bamboo shoot in all the four seasons.( 2) The percentage of the degraded shoot increased gradually during the shooting period,and reached the maximum( 87. 76%) at the late stage.( 3) The height growth of young bamboo culms lasted about 130 days,with an average height of 6. 36 m. A growth pattern of " slow-fast-slow" was found at the period of the height growth of young bamboo culms,and the growth curve could be described with an equation: H = 0. 806-0. 029 t + 0. 001 t2-5. 894 × 10^-6 t3( R^2= 0. 980).( 4) The diameter growth of young culmsat the ground lasted about 16 days,with an average diameter of 18. 50 mm. The diameter growth of young culms also accorded with the pattern of " slow-fast-slow". [Conclusion] C. pingbianense could produce bamboo shoot all the year round,with a 9 months shooting period,however,the shoot quantity in each season is different significantly. The culm height and culm diameter at the ground accorded with a pattern of "slow-fast-slow".



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