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印楝无性系嫁接技术促进接穗生长     被引量:1

Clonal Grafting Technique of Azadirachta indica Clones and Promoting Growth of Scion



英文题名:Clonal Grafting Technique of Azadirachta indica Clones and Promoting Growth of Scion

作者:起国海[1] 吴疆翀[1] 彭兴民[1] 郑益兴[1] 孙恒[1] 张燕平[1]








外文期刊名:Molecular Plant Breeding





外文关键词:Neem(Azadirachta);Clones-grafting technique;Survival rate;Scion growth


摘要:为解决印楝嫁接繁育的关键技术,本研究以3种不同的切口基径的1年生的印楝实生苗为砧木,采用3个优良无性系和3种嫁接方式劈接、切接和芽接进行嫁接,对嫁接成活率以及嫁接苗成活后生长情况进行方差分析、极差分析以及多重比较。结果表明,影响成活率、新枝主干基径、树高、冠幅、分枝数、生长轮的主导因子是嫁接方式,而影响分枝基径和分枝长的主导因子是嫁接方式与砧木大小的交互作用,且交互作用为正效应。采用切接、砧木大小为1.0~1.5 cm、无性系(LD0507)时嫁接成活率最高,为85%;采用芽接、砧木大小为1.0~1.5 cm、无性系(LD0505),嫁接后接穗的生长轮和分枝数最多,分别为4.7轮和5.9枝;采用芽接、砧木大小为0.5~1.0 cm、无性系(LD0509),嫁接后接穗的树高、新枝基径、冠幅、分枝基径、分枝长均显著高于其他处理组合,分别为1.45 m、1.60 cm、0.85 m、1.02 cm和0.56 m。试验结果得出芽接方式能显著促进印楝接穗的生长,但芽接的成活率相对较低。因此,通过嫁接技术手段进一步提高芽接成活率,选用砧木大小为0.5~1.0 cm,无性系(LD0509),为生产上提供优质的印楝嫁接苗的同时也为印楝的嫁接技术提供理论依据。
In order to solve the key technology of grafting and breeding of Azadirachtin indica, the study were conducted with three kinds of incision width of the one-year-old A.indica, three superior clones of A. indica and three grafting patterns including cleft grafting, cutting grafting and bud grafting, and the survival rate of grafting and growth of grafted seedlings were analyzed by anova, range analysis and multiple comparison. The results showed that the grafting pattern was the dominant factor which influence the surviving rates, the diameter of new branch trunk, tree height, crown diameter, branch number and growth ring. While the dominant factor affecting branch diameter and branch length was the positive interaction between grafting pattern and incision width. The best grafting combination for the highest surviving rate 85% was conducted with cutting grafting, the stock size of1.0~1.5 cm and clone of LD0507. The grafting for the largest growth ring 4.7 and branch number 5.9 of scion was conducted with bud grafting, the stock size of 1.0~1.5 cm and clone of LD0505. The grafting combination conducted with bud grafting, the stock size of 0.5~1.0 cm and clone of LD0509, with the tree height 1.45 m, new branch diameter 1.60 cm, crown 0.85 cm, branch diameter 1.02 cm and branch length 0.56 m were significantly higher than other grafting combinations. The results showed that the bud grafting could significantly promote the growth of scion, but with lower surviving rate. By further improving of the bud grafting surviving rate, A. indica grafting pattern with stock size of 1.0~1.5 cm and clone of LD0509 as scions would contribute to offer better grafting seedlings with scientific evidence for grafting technology of Azadirachtin indica.



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