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间伐强度对木荷-萌芽杉木中龄混交林生长和林分结构的影响     被引量:23

Impacts of Thinning Intensities on Growth and Stand Structure of Schima superba-Sprouting Cuninghamia lanceolata Mixed Plantation



英文题名:Impacts of Thinning Intensities on Growth and Stand Structure of Schima superba-Sprouting Cuninghamia lanceolata Mixed Plantation

作者:姚甲宝[1,2] 曾平生[2] 袁小平[2] 吴建国[2] 楚秀丽[1] 周志春[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Schima superb ; sprouting Cuninghamia lanceolata ; mixed plantation ; thinning intensity ; stand structure


摘要:[目的]针对混交林木荷大径材培育技术薄弱、林地产值低等问题,开展间伐试验,分析间伐强度对林分生长和结构的影响,筛选出适合木荷-萌芽杉木混交林的间伐强度,为木荷大径材培育提供理论指导。[方法]以16年生木荷-萌芽杉木混交林为研究对象,按株数比例进行弱度间伐(15%)、中度Ⅰ间伐(30%)、中度Ⅱ间伐(35%)和强度间伐(60%)及对照(未间伐)5种强度抚育间伐,比较不同强度间伐木荷和杉木胸径、树高、蓄积量和直径结构特征,探讨其对林分生长和结构的影响。[结果](1)间伐6 a后,不同间伐处理均促进木荷和杉木的平均胸径和单株材积增长。中度Ⅱ间伐处理木荷的平均胸径和单株材积增长最快,两者分别比对照高28.5%和78.2%,其增长量分别较对照高243.9%和326.7%,杉木除强度间伐胸径生长量略高于木荷外,各强度间伐的胸径和单株材积均小于木荷对应指标值。(2)由于间伐减少了树木株数,林分蓄积量和杉木蓄积量有所降低,但木荷蓄积量明显增加。中度Ⅱ间伐、中度Ⅰ间伐和弱度间伐时木荷蓄积量分别为对照的132.3%、112.5%和139.8%。(3)随着间伐强度的增加,木荷与杉木的径阶分布峰值所在的径阶依次向高径阶方向进级,中度Ⅱ间伐木荷直径分布左偏、尖峭,中大径阶木荷株数多且分布集中,能有效实现大径级材种的培育目标。[结论]对密度较高的中龄木荷-萌芽杉木混交林适宜采用强度间伐措施,即间伐强度35%左右,林木密度1 780株·hm^(-2)(木荷杉木株数比约为1:2),在保持林分蓄积量不减小的情况下,促进木荷胸径、单株材积快速增长,以实现木荷大径材培育目标。
[ Objective ] In order to improve the cultivation technology of large-size timber, and increase the produc- tion value of Schima superba-sprouting Cuninghamia lanceolata mixed plantation, a thinning experiment was carried out to analyze the impacts of thinning intensities on stand growth and structure, so as to single out the suitable thinning intensity for S. superba-sprouting C. lanceolata mixed plantation and provide guidance for cultivating large- size S. superba timber. [Method] Taking 16-years-old S. superb-sprouting C. lanceolata mixed plantation as the object, five thinning intensity, i.e. light ( 15% ) ,medium Ⅰ (30%) ,medium Ⅱ(35%) ,heavy (60%) and the control (0%)were selected to study the increment of DBH, height, volume and stand structure under different thinning intensities. [ Resultl ( 1 ) Six years after thinning, the mean DBH and individual volume of both S. super- ba and C. lanceolata under all the thinning intensities increased. Under the intensity of medium II , the growth was the fastest, which was about 28.5% and 78.2% higher than that of the control group respectively, the increment was about 243.9% and 326.7% higher than the control. The DBH growth of C. lanceolata was a little lower than that of S. superba at the corresponding parameter values except under heavy thinning. (2) Since the amount of tree reduced after thinning, the volumes of stand and C. lanceolata decreased on a certain of degree, but that of the S. superb showed a significant increase. The individual volume of S. superba under medium II , medium I , and light thinning intensity was respectively 132.3%, 112.5% and 139.8% of the control. (3) With the increase of thinning intensity, the peak of diameter distribution of S. superba and C. lanceolata stepped into the larger diameter level. The distribution curve of S. superba diameters was sharp and left-skewed, and its large diameter classes were multi and concentrated, which could accomplish the purpose of large-size timber cultivation. [ Conclusion] For S. superba-Sprouting C. lanceolata mixed plantation with high density, it is appropriate to take the heavy thinning measure, i.e. the thinning intensity about 35%, and the stand density of 1 780 plants · hm^-2 ( S. superba : C. lanceolata ≈ 1:2). Keeping the stand volume from decrease and promoting the rapid growth of DBH and individual volume of S. superba to realize the goal of large-size timber cultivation.



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