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海南省清澜港红树林湿地健康评价     被引量:14

Health Assessment of Mangrove Wetland in Qinglangang,Hainan



英文题名:Health Assessment of Mangrove Wetland in Qinglangang,Hainan

作者:郭菊兰[1] 朱耀军[1] 武高洁[1] 郭志华[1] 文菀玉[1]


机构:[1]中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所 湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室,北京100091






外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:mangrove wetland; inner health; external pressure; health quotient; health trend


摘要:【目的】评价红树林湿地内在健康与外在健康压力、分析红树林湿地健康组分与其所处环境的协调性(矛盾冲突或和谐一致)及未来健康发展趋势,以期为红树林湿地的保护与合理利用寻求科学模式。【方法】基于清澜港1987,2000和2010年3期TM影像、地图、地形图及群落样地调查数据,应用模糊综合评价模型与综合干扰强度指数计算模型,评价研究区红树林湿地内在健康与外在健康压力。在此基础上,借鉴医学健康商数理论,用动态的研究方法分析研究区红树林湿地整体健康发展趋势。【结果】研究区各群落类型内在健康表现为:海漆+木榄群落表现为很健康,红树+木果楝群落、红树群落及红树+海莲群落表现为健康,角果木群落、海莲群落、角果木+木榄群落及红树+杯萼海桑群落表现为基本健康,榄李+角果木群落和杯萼海桑群落表现为一般病态;研究区内在健康指数为0.599 9,表现为基本健康,表明目前群落结构基本稳定;研究区各种干扰类型对湿地的干扰强度表现为林地损失﹥海堤建设﹥原生境破坏﹥围塘养殖﹥海平面上升﹥土壤重金属污染,贡献率分别为31.37%,29.41%,23.53%,11.76%,2.94%和0.98%,人为干扰强度远大于自然干扰强度,土壤重金属污染还没有对红树林湿地内在健康构成威胁,海平面上升对红树林湿地的干扰呈逐年增强趋势;研究区外在健康压力综合指数为0.816 0,表现为极强;湿地整体健康商数(HQW=0.735 2)<1,表明研究区外部干扰对红树林湿地的负面影响占主导地位。【结论】影响红树林湿地整体健康的环境因子主要为人类活动,其中,围塘养殖与海堤建设对生境的破坏最为突出;人为干扰直接导致红树林资源减少,原滩涂生境破坏,地形地貌改变,使得系统的完整性缺失,稳定性降低,生物多样性减少,部分红树植物濒临灭绝;健康压力对红树林内在健康的影响主要表现在红树林群落结构退化,在水平结构上表现为群落物种数量减少,部分群落类型退化为单一种群群落,在垂直结构上主要表现为群落层次结构简单、高生长退化,由原来的乔木和小乔木退化为树高不足1 m的高密度矮生灌木丛;研究区环境与健康组分之间矛盾突出,环境状况有悖于红树林湿地健康发展方向,红树林湿地有由基本健康向一般病态发展的趋势;减少和控制围塘养殖、海堤建设等人为干扰是红树林湿地与环境从矛盾转化为和谐的主要措施。
【Objective 】The study was to evaluate the inner and external health pressure of mangrove wetland,to analyze coordination( contradiction or harmony) between health components and their circumstance and future development trends,and to discuss the influential mechanisms of inner health,therefore to develop a scientific model of protection and reasonable use of the mangrove wetland.【Methods】Based on the TM images of 1987,2000 and 2010,geographical map,topographic map and survey data of community plots,the inner and external health pressure of study area was evaluated. On this basis,using medical health quotient theory for reference and dynamic research methods,the whole health developing trends of mangrove wetland were studied.【Result】1) The results of inner health were as follows:the community of Excoecaria agallocha + Bruguiera ymnorrhiza showed very healthy; the communities of Rhizophora apiculata + Xylocarpus granatum, R. apiculata and R. apiculata + Bruguiera sexangula showed healthy; the communities of Ceriops tagal,B. sexangula,C. tagal + B. ymnorrhiza,R. apiculata + Sonneratia alba showed basic healthy; the communities of Lumnitzera racemosa + C. tagal and S. alba showed general ill. The comprehensive index ofinner health was 0. 599 9 indicating basically a healthy and t stable community structure; 2) The influence order of all types of interference on wetland was as follows: forest land loss sea dyke construction original habitat damage Beach enclosure for fish farming sea level rise heavy metal pollution in soil. And their contribution rates were 31.37%,29. 41%,23. 53%,11. 76%,2. 94%,0. 98%,respectively. The human interference intensity was much higher than natural disturbance intensity. The heavy metal pollution in soil did not threaten the inner health of mangrove wetland.The interference degree of sea level rise was increasing year by year. The pressure index of external health was 0. 816 0,ranked as extreme. 3) The coordination between inner health and external environment: the quotient of overall wetland health( HQW= 0. 735 2) 1,indicating that negative effects of external interference on the mangrove wetland were dominant. 【Conclusion】The environmental factors influencing the whole health of mangrove wetland were mainly human disturbance,among which the beach enclosure for fish farming and the sea dyke construction were the most prominent influential factors. Human disturbance directly resulted in the reduction of mangrove resources,the destruction of original beach habitat,the change of topography and geomorphology. These led to the lack of system integrity,the decrement of stability,the reduction of biodiversity,the risk of the extinction for some mangrove species. The impacts of health pressure on the inner health of mangrove mainly exhibited the degradation of mangrove community structure. In horizontal structure,the species number decreased and a part of community types degraded to single species community. In vertical structure,it mainly presented the simple of community level structure and the degradation of height growth. Previous trees and small trees degraded to high density shrubs with the height below 1 m. The environmental conditions were against healthy development of the mangrove wetland. The mangrove wetland tended from basic healthy to general ill. The key measure for the conversion from contradiction to coordination between mangrove wetland and environment was to reduce and control human disturbances such as beach enclosure for fish farming and sea dyke construction.



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