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卡西亚松家系幼林的生长节律     被引量:3

Growth Rhythm for Half-sib Families of Young Pinus kesiya Plantations in Southern Yunnan, China



英文题名:Growth Rhythm for Half-sib Families of Young Pinus kesiya Plantations in Southern Yunnan, China

作者:杨雪艳[1] 徐建民[1] 朱映安[1] 沈乐[1] 李光友[1] 吴世军[1] 罗亚春[2] 刘继伟[2] 陈礼勇[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany





外文关键词:Pinus kesiya;Half-sib family;Shooting;Growth rhythm;Southern Yunnan


摘要:为了解卡西亚松(Pinus kesiya)生长与气象因子间的关系,对17个卡西亚松家系幼林的周年生长性状进行研究。结果表明,17个卡西亚松家系的胸径、树高和抽梢次数存在显著差异(P<0.05),可分为速生型(Ⅰ)和慢生型(Ⅱ),其中7、25、61、104、41家系属于速生型,其胸径和树高年均生长量分别为2.03 cm和1.46 m。两类型家系的生长趋势一致,胸径一年内出现2次生长高峰(2和8月),树高出现3次生长高峰(2-3、6和8-10月)。有3次抽梢高峰,分别在5月(春梢)、8-9月(夏梢)和11月(秋梢),一年抽1~4次新梢,以抽2次新梢的植株最多(47%),且在春(71.78%)夏(77.33%)两季抽梢的比例较高。月平均气温对卡西亚松树高的生长影响最大,在1月出现短暂的生长停滞。因此,卡西亚松幼林抚育管理宜在胸径和树高生长高峰之前进行,即5-6和12-翌年1月,1月进行幼林修枝抚育。
In order to understand the relationship between monthly growth of Pinus kesiya and meteorological factors, the annual growth dynamic of 17 families were studied in southern Yunnan. The family plantation was established in June 2013, 17 half-sib families of P. kesiya introduced from Thailand and Vietnam were selected with P. kesiya var. langbianensis from local seed orchard as control, the diameter at breast height(DBH), height and timing of shooting were observed for a whole year since July 2015. Meanwhile, the effects of meteorological factors on growth rhythm and shooting law were also analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences in DBH, height and shooting times among 17 families(P<0.05). These families could be divided into two types, family No. 7, 25, 61, 104 and 41 were fast-growth type(Ⅰ), with annual mean increment of DBH and height for 2.03 cm and 1.46 m, respectively, and the others was slow-growth type(Ⅱ). The both types of P. kesiya families showed similar growth tendency, of the DBH growth had two peaks occurred in February and August, of and the height growth had three peaks in February to March, June, and August to October, and shooting had three peaks in May(spring shoot), August to September(summer shoot) and November(fall shoot), respectively. The shooting times of P. kesiya were one to four in a whole year, of which the number of families with twice shooting was the largest, accounting for 47% of the total trees, mainly in spring(72.78%) and summer(77.33%). The growth of P. kesiya was influenced mainly by monthly average temperature, and growth stagnation was short in January. So, it was recommended that tending management of P. kesiya young plantation should be conducted before two peaks of DBH and height growth, i.e. May to June and December to January, and pruning in January.



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