欧美杨纤维含量构成因素的相关和通径分析 ( EI收录) 被引量:8
Correlation and Path Analysis of the Components of Fiber Content for Populus × euramericana
英文题名:Correlation and Path Analysis of the Components of Fiber Content for Populus × euramericana
通信作者:Huang, Qinjun
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Populus × euramericana;fiber content;correlation analysis;regression analysis;path analysis
摘要:【目的】分析杨树超短轮伐林纤维含量构成因素及其贡献率,明确育种目标,为杨树超短轮伐林选育工作提供必要的依据。【方法】以5个3年生欧美杨无性系(库安托杨、凌丰1号、凌丰3号、凌丰4号和凌丰5号)为材料,利用Excel、SPSS 17.0软件对5个无性系各性状数据进行方差、标准差分析,计算变异系数和重复力,利用最小显著差异法(LSD)进行多重比较;对无性系各性状间进行相关性分析,采用回归分析方法分析并建立单株纤维含量与生长、材性性状间的关系模型;同时,对纤维含量主要构成因素进行偏相关分析和通径分析,计算贡献率,了解其作用模式。【结果】各生长性状(树高、胸径、单株材积)在5个无性系间变化幅度相对较大,无性系间存在显著差异且在无性系的遗传比重较大,而材性性状中,除单株纤维含量外,木质素、综纤维素、纤维素、基本密度、微纤丝角、纤维平均长度、纤维平均宽度、纤维长宽比、纤维粗度9个性状在无性系间变异较小;各生长性状间相关性显著,生长性状与材性性状间具有相对独立性;利用回归分析方法得到单株纤维含量与其他性状间的关系模型,经过逐步回归分析得到最终模型,结果表明单株材积、纤维素和基本密度对单株纤维含量的影响效果显著;通过偏相关分析得出单株材积、纤维素和基本密度均能很大程度地影响单株纤维含量,同时三因素间存在相互制约关系,与关系模型中表达的结果一致;通径分析表明提高单株材积对提高单株纤维含量作用最大,增加木材基本密度次之,提高纤维素作用最小,其贡献率分别为72.61%,13.55%和13.84%,与偏相关分析结果一致。【结论】欧美杨纤维含量的主要构成因素为单株材积、纤维素和基本密度;单株材积等生长性状具有很大的提升空间,且与材性性状间具有相对的独立性,应将生长性状(树高、胸径、单株材积)作为选育标准。
【Objective】The components and their contribution rate of fiber content of the mini-rotation forestry in poplar were analyzed to lay a solid foundation for its breeding work. 【Method 】 Five clones of Populus × euramericana(‘Guariento’,‘Lingfeng 1’,‘Lingfeng 3’,‘Lingfeng 4’and‘Lingfeng 5’) were selected from plantation at the age of3 years,the growth traits,wood property and their correlation were analyzed. The relational model was built based on the single plant fiber content with other traits,and the partial correlation analysis and path analysis were carried out between major factors of the fiber content. In this study,analysis of variance(ANOVA),standard deviation analysis and multiple comparison by LSD were applied in all data of each trait,meanwhile the variation coefficient and repeatability were calculated for five clones. Correlation analysis was carried out among every traits,regression analysis was used to analyze and establish the relational model between the single plant fiber content with growth traits and wood property. The partial correlation analysis and path analysis were applied among major factors of fiber content and the contribution rate of major factors was measured. All analysis were based on the software of Excel and SPSS 17. 0. 【Result 】 All growth traits(including height,diameter and individual volume) exhibited a relatively wider variation margin and significant differences among the five clones,and they also had a larger genetic proportion in five clones. As for wood property,except for the single plant fiber content,other traits(including lignin,holocellulose,cellulose,basic density,microfibril angle,fiber average length,fiber average width,fiber length-width ratio and fiber coarseness) had a relatively stable expression. The analysis of growth traits showed significant correlation, however, the growth characters and wood properties had an independent correlation. The relational model indicated that individual volume,cellulose and basic density were significantly correlated with the single plant fiber content. The single plant fiber content was largely affected by individual volume,cellulose and basic density,meanwhile the three factors were interacted with each other,these were consistent with the results obtained from the relational model. The path analysis showed that improving individual volume was the best way to improve single plant fiber content,increasing wood basic density was the second,the effect by improving cellulose was the least. The contribution rate of the three major factors was 72. 61%,13. 55% and 13. 84%,respectively,which is consistent with the results of partial correlation analysis.【Conclusion】All results showed that the main factors of fiber content in Populus × euramericana included individual volume,cellulose and basic density. At the same time,the results indicated that all growth traits(height,diameter and individual volume) had much room for improvement,and these traits were independent with wood properties. Therefore the growth traits should be taken into account as selection criteria.