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Adsorptive Properties of Dyes to Cellulosic Sheet and Discoloration of Dye Solution by UV-ray Irradiation     被引量:4


中文题名:Adsorptive Properties of Dyes to Cellulosic Sheet and Discoloration of Dye Solution by UV-ray Irradiation

英文题名:Adsorptive Properties of Dyes to Cellulosic Sheet and Discoloration of Dye Solution by UV-ray Irradiation

作者:Zhou Yu[1] Iida Ikuho[2] Minato Kazuya[2] Kurosu Hiroshi[1,3]


机构:[1]Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 100091, P.R. China;[2]Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto, Japan;[3]Forest Development Technological Institute, Tokyo, Japan







基金:Supported by the Research Planning of Japan-China Cooperation Project (The Research Project on Timber from Man-made Forests in China: JICA Project)



外文关键词:dyed wood, discoloration, adsorptive property, dye


摘要:The adsorptive properties and selectivity of dyes and water molecules to cellulosic sheet, dependence of adsorptive properties of dyes on the concentration of dye solution, and discoloration of the dye solution due to the UV-ray irradiation were determined for 18 kinds of commercial dyes. The results are as follows: 1) the adsorptive properties of dyes to cellulose sheet differed greatly, but did not depend on the dye types such as acidic, basic and so on; 2) adsorptive properties of dyes to cellulosic sheet depended on the concentration of dye solution and were classified into 4 types: concentration-independent, increasing or decreasing with dye concentration, and having a maximum. This classification was irrelevant to the dye types; 3) the irradiation of UV-ray did not cause significant discoloration of dye solution itself, which suggested that wood components as well as dye molecules influence the discoloration of wood.
The adsorptive properties and selectivity of dyes and water molecules to cellulosic sheet, dependence of adsorptive properties of dyes on the concentration of dye solution, and discoloration of the dye solution due to the UV-ray irradiation were determined for 18 kinds of commercial dyes. The results are as follows: 1) the adsorptive properties of dyes to cellulose sheet differed greatly, but did not depend on the dye types such as acidic, basic and so on; 2) adsorptive properties of dyes to cellulosic sheet de- pended on the concentration of dye solution and were classified into 4 types: concentration-independent, increasing or decreasing with dye concentration, and having a maximum. This classification was irrelevant to the dye types; 3) the irradiation of UV-ray did not cause significant discoloration of dye solution itself, which suggested that wood components as well as dye molecules influence the discoloration of wood.



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