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不同林龄杉木人工林树冠形态因子与生长形质通径分析     被引量:1

Path Analysis of Canopy Morphological Factors and Growth Form Quality of Chinese Fir Plantation with Different Forest Ages



英文题名:Path Analysis of Canopy Morphological Factors and Growth Form Quality of Chinese Fir Plantation with Different Forest Ages

作者:张利利[1] 谭新建[1] 司芳芳[1] 张华聪[1] 李翱翔[1] 潘文婷[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis





外文关键词:Chinese fir;canopy morphological factors;growth shape and quality traits;path analysis


[Objective]The effects of canopy morphological factors of Chinese fir at different ages on individual volume index,DBH and non-nodular wood length were explored to determine the focus and direction of canopy morphological regulation of Chinese fir at different ages,thus providing scientific basis for cultivating fast-growing and high-yield Chinese fir forest.[Method]Three Chinese fir plantations of different age groups in Dagang Mountain of Jiangxi Province were studied.Correlation analysis and path analysis were used to analyze the relationship between the canopy morphological characteristics of Chinese fir trees and the individual volume index,DBH and length of non-knot timber.[Result]The correlation between canopy morphological factors and growth traits was obvious at different age stages,and the correlation was most significant at the middle-aged forest stage.The direct effects of canopy morphological factors on growth shape and quality traits were significantly different.Canopy width and canopy shape rate had a highly significant promoting effect on growth shape and quality traits,while canopy length rate had a highly significant negative effect on growth shape and quality traits.With the growth of the stand,the influence of canopy morphological factors on growth shape and quality traits was gradually weakened.The best time to regulate the canopy form of Chinese fir is young forest and middle-aged forest stage.In different growth stages of the stand,the relative importance of canopy morphological factors to growth and form traits showed different orders,and the focus and direction of the regulation of ideal canopy shape in the cultivation of fast-growing and high-yield Chinese fir were different.The relative importance of canopy morphological factors to the three growth shape and quality traits in young forest stage was ranked first in canopy length rate,second in canopy shape rate and third in crown width in descending order.In the middle-aged forest stage,the relative importance of canopy morphological factors on DBH and individual volume index was ranked from large to small as canopy length rate,canopy width and canopy shape rate,while the relative importance of length of non-knot timber was ranked from large to small as canopy length rate,canopy shape rate and canopy width.Canopy shape rate,canopy width and canopy length rate ranked first in the relative importance of canopy morphological factors to individual volume index,DBH and length of non-knot timber respectively in near-mature forest stage.In the young forest stage,the relative importance of canopy morphological factors to the three growth traits was ranked from high to low as follows:canopy length rate,canopy shape rate and canopy width.In the middle-aged forest stage,the order of relative importance of DBH and individual volume index from high to low was canopy length rate,canopy width and canopy shape rate,and the relative importance of the length of non-nodal wood from high to low was canopy length rate,canopy shape rate and canopy width.In the near-mature forest stage,the most important crown morphological factors affecting individual volume index,DBH and non-nodal length were canopy shape rate,canopy width and canopy length rate,respectively.The relative importance of canopy morphological factors on the overall effect of growth traits was ranked as follows:In young forest stage,canopy length rate ranked the first,canopy shape rate the second and canopy width the third.In the middle-aged forest stage,canopy length rate ranked first,canopy width the second and canopy shape the third respectively.In the near-mature forest stage,canopy width,canopy length and canopy shape rank the first,the second and the third respectively.[Conclusion]The key direction to promote the rapid growth and high yield of Chinese fir canopy regulation is to reduce the canopy length rate in both young and middle-aged forest stages.In the near-mature forest stage,the focus and direction of promoting the regulation of individual volume index is to make the canopy long and narrow,the increasing the DBH is to increase the canopy width,and the promoting of non-knot timber length is to reduce the canopy length.The ideal canopy shape of different age stages is as follows:low canopy length ratio,narrow canopy shape and relatively broad canopy width in the young forest stage;low canopy length ratio,broad canopy width and narrow canopy shape the middle-aged stage;broad canopy width,low canopy length ratio and narrow canopy shape in the near mature forest stage.



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