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2000~2011年毛乌素沙地植被生长状况时空变化特征     被引量:32

Spatial and Temporal Variations of Vegetation Growth Status in Mu Us Sandy Land in 2000-2011



英文题名:Spatial and Temporal Variations of Vegetation Growth Status in Mu Us Sandy Land in 2000-2011

作者:闫峰[1] 吴波[1] 王艳姣[2]








外文期刊名:Scientia Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:vegetation index; growth status; spatial and temporal characteristic; Mu Us Sandy Land


Mu Us Sandy Land lies in the farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China, whose ecological environment shows great sensitivity and vulnerability. In this article, temporal series of MOD13Q1 productions, which derived from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor in 2000-2011, were used to establish temporal sequence of annual enhanced vegetation index (EVI) maximum. Departure, slope, standard deviation and coefficient of variance of EVI were calculated to study the spatial and temporal characteristics of vegetation growth status in Mu Us Sandy Land. Results show that: 1) in 2000-2011, annual maximum of EVI value mainly fluctuates slightly in Mu Us Sandy Land and area whose EVI departure range is -0.1 ≤ AEBw≤ 0.1, occupies more than 98.467% of the total area. Area with -0.2≤ AEEw〈-0.1 is the largest in 2001 (1.341%) and the smallest is in 2009 (0.074%). Area with 0.1 〈AEEvI~〈0.2 is the largest in 2002 (1.050%) and is the smallest.in 2001 (0.138%). In the whole region, the average EVI departure values in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006 are negative while the values in 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are positive. Vegetation growth status is the worst in 2001 and the second worst is in 2000. Conversely, the best vegetation growth status is in 2010 and the second best in 2002.2) Annual maximum of EVI in the whole region increases by 0.002 5/a. Area with increasing trend occupies 81.916% of the whole area, which mainly distributes in the middle, eastern and southern parts of Sandy Land. Area with decreasing trend occupies 18.084% of the whole area, which mainly distributes in the northern, westem, southern and middle parts of Mu Us Sandy Land. 3) Vegetation grow status mainly improves with slight and moderate fluctuations, whose areas occupie 35.878% and 34.697% of the total area respectively, which locate in the southwest, middle and eastern parts of Mu Us Sandy Land. Area of vegetation with severe fluctuated improving growth status occupies 8.381%. Moreover, areas with slight and moderate fluctuated degraded growth status occupies 7.876% and 7.174% of the whole area, respectively. Vegetation with severe fluctuated improving growth status mainly locates in the southwest and southeast parts of Sandy Land while slight and moderate fluctuated degraded growth status locate in the southwest, western, central and southern parts of Mu Us Sandy Land.



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