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川西高山和亚高山灌丛的地被物及土壤持水性能     被引量:47

Water holding capacity of surface cover and soil of alpine and sub-alpine shrub in Western Sichuan,China



英文题名:Water holding capacity of surface cover and soil of alpine and sub-alpine shrub in Western Sichuan,China

作者:张远东[1] 刘世荣[1] 马姜明[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:shrub; moss ; litters ; soil ; maximal water holding capacity


摘要:线以上和干旱阳坡等环境较为恶劣的地段,生态水文效应尤为重要.以往对于该区域灌丛的研究,多集中于类型、生物量等方面,生态水文效应方面的研究基本上属于空白.通过对苔藓、枯落物和土壤的野外调查与室内实验,分析了川西高山和亚高山3种主要灌丛在不同海拔梯度的地被物及土壤持水性能,其有利于加深对长江上游高山和亚高山区灌丛水文效应的认识.研究表明:(1)3种类型中,杜鹃灌丛持水性能最强,其苔藓、枯落物和土壤0~40cm最大持水量在各海拔梯度平均为46.73、139.98 t/hm^2和2216.92t/hm^2;高山栎灌丛各海拔梯度平均为1.64、72.08 t/hm^2和2114.88 t/hm^2;橿子栎灌丛没有苔藓,枯落物和土壤0~40cm最大持水量在各海拔梯度平均为84.55 t/hm^2和2062.83 t/hm^2.(2)杜鹃灌丛苔藓蓄积量及最大持水量随海拔升高而降低;高山栎灌丛苔藓蓄积量及最大持水量先随海拔升高而增加,在3400m处达到最大,之后又降低.杜鹃灌丛苔藓最大持水率远高于高山栎灌丛.杜鹃灌丛和高山栎灌丛枯落物蓄积量及最大持水量均随海拔升高而降低;橿子栎灌丛则随海拔升高而升高.(3)3种灌丛在不同海拔随土壤深度的增加,土壤容重均显著增大,最大持水量显著下降,但毛管持水量和最小持水量仅在部分类型显著下降.土壤0~40cm最大持水量只有杜鹃灌丛随海拔升高而显著降低,其他两种不同海拔间差异不显著.
Alpine and sub-alpine shrubs, distributed beyond tree line or on south-facing slope, are relatively stable community in western Sichuan. Their community component, biomass have been studied, however, very few were reported for the water holding capacity of surface cover and soil in those shrubs. We measured the cumulated mass (CM, t/hm^2) of moss and litters, along with their maximal water holding capacity ( MWHC, t/hm^2 ) and maximal water holding rate ( MWHR, % ), in three main types of shrub at different elevations in western Sichuan. The physical characteristics of water in the soil included soil bulk density, MWHC, capillary water holding capacity (CWHC) and least water holding capacity (LWHC) were also measured by soaking and discharging experiments with samples of soil from different soil depths in all studied communities. The result showed that water holding capacity of Rhododendron przewalskii shrub is highest in three types. Average MWHC of moss, litters and soil in depth of 0-40 cm among different elevation are 46.73, 139.98 t/hm^2 and 2216.92 t/hm^2 relatively in R. przewalskii shrub; 1.64, 72.08, 2114.88 t/hm^2 in Quercus aquifolioides shrub; no mass and average MWHC of litters and soil in depth of 0 - 40 cm among different elevation are 84.55 t/hm^2 and 2062.83 t/hm^2 in Quercus cocciferoides shrub. The CM and MWHC of moss decreased significantly with increasing elevation in R. przewalskii shrub, increased significantly at first and then decreased with increasing elevation and reach the maximum at 3400m in Q. aquifolioides shrub. MWHR of moss in the former is higher than that in the later. The CM and MWHC of litters decreased with the increment of elevation in R. przewalskii and Q. aquifolioides shrub, increased in Q. cocciferoides shrub. Soil bulk density increased and MWHC decreased significantly with the increasing soil depth in all communities, but CWHC and LWHC decreased significantly only in some of communities. The MWHC in 0 - 40cm of soil decreased significantly with the increment of elevation in R. przewalskii shrub and was not significantly different among communities with different elevation in the other two types.



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