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Development of a versatile hysteresis model for sheathing-to-framing nail connections  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Development of a versatile hysteresis model for sheathing-to-framing nail connections

作者:Wu, Guofang[1,2] Zhong, Yong[1,2] Gong, Yingchun[1,2] Zhao, Rongjun[1,2] Xing, Xinting[1,2] Ren, Haiqing[1,2]


机构:[1] Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China; [2] Research Institute of Forestry New Technology, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China

会议论文集:WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering

会议日期:August 20, 2018 - August 23, 2018

会议地点:Seoul, Korea, Republic of


外文关键词:ABAQUS - Dynamic response - Finite element method - Hysteresis loops - Nails - Seismology - Shear walls - Timber - Unloading - Wooden buildings


摘要:The hysteresis behaviour of shear walls and diaphragms is governed by the sheathing-to-framing nail connections in light-frame wood structures. In this paper, a hysteresis model of nail connections was developed by defining a skeleton curve and a set of loading and unloading rules. The strength degradation, stiffness degradation and pinching behaviour were well characterized by functions of the loading history in each loading direction. The hysteresis model can describe the behaviour of nail connections under various loading conditions like monotonic, cyclic and seismic loading. Then the model was implemented to ABAQUS/EXPLICIT package as a user-defined element. To verify the model and element, detailed FE models of wall segments were developed. The parameters of the hysteresis model of nail connection were calibrated by the test results of a shear wall under cyclic load, then the calibrated model was used to predict the performance of a shear wall under seismic loads, it was found that the model could predict the dynamic response of the wall segments accurately. Thus, the performance of sheathing-to-frame connections in shear walls and diaphragms can be well described by the developed hysteresis model. ? WCTE 2018 Committee.



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