滇中高原雕林山云南松混交林群落结构特征 被引量:6
Community Structure of Mixed Yunnan Pine Forests in Diaolinshan Natural Reserve,Middle Yunnan Plateau,China
英文题名:Community Structure of Mixed Yunnan Pine Forests in Diaolinshan Natural Reserve,Middle Yunnan Plateau,China
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:community structure; population structure; mixed Pinus yunnanensis forests; Diaolinshan Natural Reserve; Middle Yunnan Plateau
摘要:研究了滇中高原雕林山云南松天然混交林的群落结构特征,结果表明:所有林木平均胸径、云南松平均胸径、所有树种大树(DBH≥30 cm)密度和云南松大树密度在不同亚类红壤土上存在显著差异,呈现暗红壤>黄红壤>红壤变化趋势;所有树种立木密度和云南松立木密度存在显著差异,以红壤上的最高;总胸高断面积和云南松胸高断面积百分比存在显著差异,前者呈现暗红壤>红壤>黄红壤变化趋势,后者与前者相反;草本层盖度在不同亚类红壤土上也存在显著差异,暗红壤和黄红壤显著高于红壤。林木层在暗红壤上分为4层,在黄红壤和红壤上分为3层;乔木层个体胸径阶分布呈明显倒"J"形,除暗红壤上DBH≥40 cm有个别华山松、白穗石栎和厚皮香外,其它亚类红壤DBH≥30 cm个体几乎全由云南松组成;DBH<30 cm主要组成树种在暗红壤上为厚皮香、白穗石栎和多脉冬青,黄红壤和红壤上为滇油杉、黄毛青冈、麻栎、槲栎和高山栲。云南松在暗红壤和红壤上为稳定种群,黄红壤上为衰退种群;红壤上滇油杉、黄毛青冈、槲栎和高山栲为间歇种群,其它主要树种为稳定种群或成长种群。
The community structure characteristics of natural mixed Yunnan Pine(Pinus yunnanensis) forests were studied in Diaolinshan Natural Reserve,Middle Yunnan Plateau.The results indicated that mean DBH of all trees and Yunnan Pine,and the densities of all large trees(DBH≥30 cm) and Yunnan Pine showed significant differences on various soils and were in the order of dark-red soilyellow-red soilred soil.The stumpage densities of all trees and Yunnan Pine indicated significant differences on various soils and those on red soil ranked the top one.As for total basal areas of all trees and the percentage of Yunnan Pine's basal areas,they indicated significant differences on various soils and presented the tendency of dark-red soilred soilyellow-red soil for the former and just the reverse for the latter.The coverage of herb layer showed significant differences on various soils and those on dark-red soil and yellow-red soil were remarkably higher than that on red soil.The forest was divided into 4 layers on dark-red soil but only 3 layers on yellow-red soil and red soil.Individual DBH distributions of tree layers showed a typical reverse "J" shape.Except that very few individuals of P.armandi,Lithocarpus leucostachyus and Ternstroemia gymnanthera distributed in the size class of DBH≥40 cm on dark-red soil,almost all individuals occupied the size class of DBH≥30 cm with Yunnan Pine.Main tree species of DBH30 cm on dark-red soil were L.leucostachyus,T.gymnanthera and Ilex polyneura,whereas on yellow-red soil and red soil were Keteleeria evelyniana,Cyclobalanopsis delavayi,Quercus acutissima and Q.aliena.Population structure of Yunnan Pine was characterized as constant type on dark-red soil and red soils,but was featured as recessionary type on yellow-red soil.Keteleeria evelyniana,C.delavayi,Q.aliena and Castanopsis delavayi on red soil featured as interim population type,and other main tree species on dark-red and yellow-red soils characterized as constant or incremental population types.