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不同树种木材性质及其抗台风性能     被引量:14

Wood properties and anti-typhoon performance in selected trees



英文题名:Wood properties and anti-typhoon performance in selected trees

作者:许秀玉[1,2] 王明怀[1] 仲崇禄[3] 张华新[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University





外文关键词:forest protection; wood property; anti-typhoon; wood density; fiber feature; mechanical char-acteristic


摘要:为阐明不同树种木材性质对抗台风效果的影响规律,确定影响林木风害的主要材性因子,采用相关分析、逐步回归分析等方法对强台风过后6个树种风害情况及8个材性性状进行了研究。结果表明:台风对沿海防护林的破坏以1级风害(风折或风倒)和2级风害(严重风斜)为主;琼崖海棠Calophyllum inophyllum,木麻黄Casuarina equisetifolia最抗台风,马占相思Acacia mangium,巨尾桉Eucalyptus grandis×Eu.urophylla次之,厚荚相思Acacia crassicarpa最不抗风;树种总风害率分别与纤维宽度(r=0.958 0,P<0.05),纤维长宽比(r=-0.868 0,P<0.05)存在显著相关;树种抗风值分别与纤维宽度(r=-0.944 0,P<0.05),纤维长宽比(r=0.890 0,P<0.05)存在显著相关。逐步回归分析表明:以总风害率为因变量,只有纤维宽度(r2=0.917 8,P=0.002 6),抗弯弹性模量(r2=0.972 5,P=0.009 2)这2个性状纳入了方程,它们对总风害率影响最大;以抗风值为因变量,只有纤维宽度(r2=0.890 5,P=0.004 7)这个性状纳入方程,其对树种抗风值影响最大;以1级风害率为因变量,纤维长宽比(r2=0.825 9,P=0.012 1),顺纹剪切强度(r2=0.974 0,P=0.176 9),抗弯弹性模量(r2=0.919 5,P=0.158 6)纳入回归方程,回归方程达到显著水平;纤维宽度(r2=0.818 8,P=0.106 4),冲击韧性(r2=0.882 4,P=0.055 6)对2级风害率影响最大。建立的回归方程可用于其他树种抗风性能的预测及评价。
To analyze the relationship between anti-typhoon performance and wood properties, eight wood prop- (oven-dried density, fiber width, fiber length, ratio of fiber length to width, modulus of elasticity, shearing strength, modulus of rupture, and impact toughness) of six tree species (Calophyllum inophyllum, Ca- suarina equisetifolia, Melia azedarach, Acacia mangiurn, Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophyllum, and Aca- cia crassicarpa)and their anti-typhoon performance were tested. A correlation analysis between anti-typhoon performance and wood properties was conducted. Also, a regression analysis was conducted to determine fore- casting and evaluating values for wind-resistance performance. Results for the six tree species showed that each wood property factor presenting a significant difference (P〈O.O1) from another. Typhoon-resistance of the trees was in the order: Calophyllum inophyllum 〉 Casuarina equisetifolia 〉 M. azedarach 〉 A. mangium 〉 Eu. grandis × Eu. urophylla 〉 A. crassicarpa. The direct linear correlation between anti-typhoon performance (total wind damage) and fiber width (r = 0.958 0, P 〈0.05) , and that between total wind damage and ratio of fiber length to width (r = -0.868 0, P 〈0.05) were found. Regression analysis showed that fiber width (r^2= 0.917 8, P = 0.002 6) and modulus of elasticity (r^2 = 0.972 5, P = 0.009 2) got into the regression equa- tion and had the greatest impact on total wind damage. The fiber width (r^2 = 0.890 5, P = 0.004 7) got into the regression equation and had the greatest impact on wind-resistance value. Also, ratio of fiber length to width (r^2 = 0.825 9, P = 0.012 1), sheafing strength (r^2 = 0.974 0, P = 0.176 9), and modulus of elasticity (r^2 = 0.919 5, P =0.158 6) got into the regression equation and had the greatest impact on 1st level damage (broken trunk and trunk lodging) ; whereas, fiber width (r^2 = 0.818 8, P = 0.106 4) and impact toughness (r^2= 0.882 4, P = 0.055 6) got into the regression equation and had greatest impact on 2nd level damage (trunk heavily skewed). The forecasting value fitted well with the actual value. Thus, the regression equation could be used for forecasting and evaluating wind-resistance performance of other tree species. [Ch, 2 fig. 4 tab. 22 ref. ]



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