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江西天然南方红豆杉群落及种群结构特征     被引量:11

Community and population structure of natural Taxus chinensis var.mairei in Jiangxi province



英文题名:Community and population structure of natural Taxus chinensis var.mairei in Jiangxi province

作者:喻龙华[1] 厉月桥[1] 陈珍明[2] 曾平生[1] 张利利[1] 姚甲宝[1] 周新华[1] 刘素贞[1] 邓宗付[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Taxus chinensis var.mairei;community structure;species composition;population structure;Jiangxi province


摘要:【目的】为天然南方红豆杉Taxus chinensis var.mairei群落的人工促进恢复提供理论依据。【方法】在江西南方红豆杉天然群落的主要分布区内选取东(婺源)、中(分宜)、西(铜鼓)和南(信丰)4个南方红豆杉天然群落,分别设置3个30 m×20 m样地,共计12个样地,从乔木层、灌木层和草本层调查和分析南方红豆杉天然群落的物种组成、群落结构、物种丰富度以及空间格局。【结果】四个样地中重要值大于4%物种数量以信丰和婺源居多,铜鼓和分宜少,并即使在铜鼓和分宜群落中南方红豆杉占绝对优势,林下几乎无南方红豆杉幼苗。不同样地的Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数存在显著差异,均以信丰和婺源南方红豆杉群落较高,铜鼓次之,分宜的指数值最小。信丰和铜鼓表现为随径级增大物种丰富度先逐渐升高而后降低的趋势,但信丰在各个径级中物种丰富度均最大;分宜、铜鼓和婺源则随径级增大物种丰富度逐渐降低的趋势。各群落均存在较大比例南方红豆杉结实植株,但幼苗、幼树极少。各个南方红豆杉种群在小尺度上均表现为均匀分布,特别是在<3 m的尺度上,大尺度上均呈聚集分布。【结论】江西南方红豆杉天然种群空间结构上整体呈现聚集分布,各群落幼苗、幼树极少,自然更新能力差,种群结构均呈两头小、中间大的纺锤型,种群呈哀退趋势,亟待人工促进恢复天然种群规模。
【Objective】This study provides a theoretical basis for the artificially promoted restoration of Taxus chinensis var.mairei natural community.【Method】Four Taxus chinensis var.mairei natural community were selected from Wuyuan,Fenyi,Tonggu and Xinfeng,which are main distribution areas of Taxus chinensis var.mairei in Jiangxi province.Three plots whose size are all 30 m×20 m were set up in each community.There are 12 plots in total.Species composition,community structure,species richness and spatial pattern of Taxus chinensis var.mairei natural community were analysed and investigated from tree layer,shrub layer and herb layer.【Result】In the four plots,the number of species with an important value greater than 4%was mostly in Xinfeng and Wuyuan,Tonggu is the second and very few in Fenyi.There are significant differences between Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index in different plots.The two indices of Taxus chinensis var.mairei natural community were higher in Xinfeng and Wuyuan,followed by Tonggu and Fenyi.In Xinfeng and Tonggu,the species richness increased first and then decreased with the increase of diameter class,and it is the largest in each diameter class in Xinfeng.In Fenyi,Tonggu and Wuyuan,the species richness decreased with the increase of diameter class.In each Taxus chinensis var.mairei natural community,the percentage of fruiting plants was high,but the number of seedlings and saplings was very small.All the populations showed uniform distribution in small scale,especially in the scale of less than 3 m,and aggregation distribution in large scale.【Conclusion】The spatial structure of Taxus chinensis var.mairei natural community was aggregation distribution in Jiangxi province.In each community,there are few seedlings and saplings,and the ability of natural regeneration is poor.The population structure is a spindle type with two small ends and a large middle.The population showed a declining trend.It is urgent to restore natural population regulations artificially.



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