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不同产地披针叶茴香光合特性对水分胁迫和复水的响应     被引量:10

Photosynthetic response of different ecotype of Illicium lanceolatum seedlings to drought stress and rewatering



英文题名:Photosynthetic response of different ecotype of Illicium lanceolatum seedlings to drought stress and rewatering

作者:曹永慧[1] 周本智[1] 陈双林[1] 萧江华[1] 王小明[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:the Chinese anise ( lllicium lanceolatum ) ; ecotypes ; photosynthetic parameters ; light response ; droughtstress ; rewatering


摘要:为了探讨披针叶茴香(Illicium lanceolatum)对水分胁迫的响应,选用4个不同产地的披针叶茴香(浙江临安产地(LA)、浙江开化产地(KH)、江西武宁产地(WN)和福建南平产地(NP))盆栽幼苗为试验材料,采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测定仪对不同水分胁迫下幼苗光合特性进行测定。结果表明:随着水分胁迫强度增加,不同产地幼苗光饱和点(LSP)和光补偿点(LCP)值表现出不同程度的降低,最大净光合速率(Pmax)的变化趋势存在产地差异,基本为先升后降;而表观光量子效率(AQY)呈增加的趋势。在水分胁迫复水后,4个产地幼苗LSP、LCP、AQY和Pmax值与正常供水时存在显著差异(P﹤0.05),WN、KH和LA幼苗LSP值大于正常供水;除NP幼苗外,其余产地幼苗LCP值均不同程度快速回升;KH和WN幼苗Pmax值高于正常供水,LA和NP幼苗Pmax低于正常供水;WN、KH和LA幼苗的AQY值均明显高于正常供水。表明披针叶茴香不同产地植株光合特性对光强和水分敏感性不同,WN产地植株对水分和光照的需求较广、适应能力较强,其次为NP产地,而浙江产地(KH、LA)植株对于水分的要求较高。水分胁迫下,披针叶茴香幼苗光合响应曲线亦存在差异,在低光范围(≤200μmol.m-.2s-1)时,其净光合速率(Pn)光响应值主要受土壤水分影响,当光强增大时,光照负面影响大于水分影响。表明披针叶茴香生长需要适宜水分,但最需要适宜光照,土壤水分条件较低时需实施弱光栽培措施来缓和逆境胁迫。
Low availability of soil moisture is considered a major limiting factor for plant and crop yield worldwide, and global change will likely aggravate water shortage and make water availability an even greater limitation to plant productivity across an increasing amount of land. The Chinese anise (Illicium lanceolatum), a traditional medicinal plant in China, has high content of shikimic acids which have effects of antiphlogosis and analgesis, and can reduce platelet aggregation and suppress vascular and cerebral thrombosis. Shikimic acid can also be an intermediate for antivirus and anticancer drugs. Scattering in its natural habitats, I. lanceolatum resources have experienced a rapid decline due to overexploitation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the protection and development strategies of I. lanceolatum resources. Until now, there is no study on the mechanism of this species responds to water and light conditions. In this paper, we reported the effects of drought stress on photosynthesis of varied ecotypes of Illicium lanceolatum. One year old potted seedlings of four ecotypes, respectively ecotypes from Linan Zhejiang ( LA), Kaihua Zhejiang ( KH), Wuning Jiangxi(WN) and Nanping were measured. The drought stress and th compensation point ( Fujian (NP), were treated with different level of drought stress and their photosynthetic parameters results showed that photosynthetic parameters differed significantly between the ecotypes during the e recovery period. As the drought stress progressed, the light saturation points (LSP) and the light LCP) declined for the four ecotypes. The maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) increased initially and decreased rapidly later during the drought treatment period, however the relative changes in Pmax induced by water stress differed from each other among the four ecotypes. The apparent photon quantum yield (AQY) increased as drought stress progressed. Significant differences in LSP, LCP, AQY and P were found before and after water stress was released, but the margin of the difference was affected by the ecotypes. After rewatering, the LSPs of WN, KH and LA ecotypes increased, the LCP recovered rapidly, and AQY also remained at a high level. The Pmax increased for KH and WN ecotypes, but decreased for LA and NP ecotypes after the water stress was released, implying a difference in the sensitivity to light intensity and water stress among the four ecotypes. The WN ecotype seedlings grew well in a wide range of light intensity and water conditions, one with higher adaptability to presenting a good adaptability to various changing environments. NP ecotype was another light and water stress. The KH and LA ecotypes from Zhejiang province exhibited stricter requirements for soil moisture content. The ecotypic differences existed in rates of recovery of photosynthesis during stress. Photosynthesis rate under drought stress was rapidly recovered until one drought day after re-watering only for WN ecotypes The photosynthetic response curve also changed in response to drought stress. The light response of net photosynthetic rate (Pmax) was affected by soil water content under low light intensity ( ≤200 μmol·m-2·s-1). However, the negative effect of light intensity exceeded that of water stress as the light intensified. Studies revealed synergistic effects of water stress and light intensity on the potential photosynthetic capacity of I. lanceolatum. The growth of I. lanceolatum requires an environment with adequate soil moisture as well as suitable light intensity. When soil water condition becomes poor, the light intensity should be reduced by shading or other measures, thus to reduce the negative impacts on plant growth. This study showed that the interaction of genetic background (ecotypes) and environmental factors ( drought and light intensity) should be taken into consideration when introducing the plant species to different climate conditions, and developing water management shading strategy for high-efficiency intensive culture.



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