不同恢复模式下干热河谷幼龄印楝和大叶相思生物量及其分配 被引量:9
Biomass and allocation of young Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis for different restoration patterns in dry-hot valley
英文题名:Biomass and allocation of young Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis for different restoration patterns in dry-hot valley
作者:高成杰[1] 唐国勇[1,2] 孙永玉[1,2] 张春华[1,2] 谢青海[2] 李昆[1,2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University
外文关键词:forest ecology ; dry-hot valley ; Azadirachta indica; Acacia auriculiformis ; biomass allocation ;restoration pattern
摘要:为了解干热河谷地区造林树种在不同恢复模式下生物量及其分配的差异,进而评价该地区树种的混交效益。以元谋干热河谷9年生印楝Azadirachta indica和大叶相思Acacia auriculiformis为研究对象,对印楝纯林、大叶相思纯林及印楝与大叶相思混交林林木生物量及其分配特征进行了研究。结果表明:①混交林内印楝单株生物量(5.713 kg.株-1)比纯林印楝(4.898 kg.株-1)高16.6%;大叶相思(14.943 kg.株-1)比纯林大叶相思(17.377 kg.株-1)低14.0%,但差异均未达到95%显著水平(P>0.05)。混交林林分生物量(16.525 t.hm-2)介于印楝纯林(7.837 t.hm-2)和大叶相思纯林(27.802 t.hm-2)之间。②在纯林和混交林恢复模式下,印楝各器官生物量大小顺序分别为干>根>枝>皮>叶和干>枝>根>叶>皮;大叶相思分别为枝>干>根>叶>皮和干>枝>根>叶>皮。混交林印楝根冠比(0.280)较纯林(0.400)小(P<0.05),而混交林大叶相思(0.163)较纯林(0.132)大(P>0.05)。③印楝和大叶相思各器官之间及其与测树因子(D或D2H)均呈异速生长关系,不同恢复模式下印楝和大叶相思各器官之间异速生长速率差异较小,印楝表现现为枝>叶/干>根,地上部分>地下部分;而大叶相思为枝>干/根>叶,地上部分>地下部分。干热河谷印楝和大叶相思混交种植9 a后,提高了印楝生物量,而大叶相思生物量有所下降,不同恢复模式下同一树种器官生物量分配大小也发生了变化。
To understand biomass and its allocation in tree species for plantations using different restoration patterns for dry-hot areas, and to evaluate the benefits of mixed patterns of tree species, biomass and allocation characteristics in nine-year-old Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiforrais were studied in the dry-hot Yuanmou Valley. Data from sample trees were averaged to determine biomass and allocation, and 17 Azadirachta indica trees and 16 Acacia auriculiforrais trees in different diameter classes were cut to build allometric equa- tions. One-way ANOVA showed no significant differences between biomass per plant of Azadirachta indica or Acacia auriculiformis in the pure and mixed plantations. Biomass in the mixed plantation was 16.525 t ·hm^-2; with Azadirachta indica it was 7.837 t·hm^-2; and for Acacia auriculiformis it was 27.802 t·hm^-2. Biomass of Azadirachta indica organs varied as follows: in the pure plantation: stem 〉root 〉branch 〉bark 〉leaf and in the mixed plantation : stem 〉branch 〉root 〉leaf〉bark ; whereas Acacia auriculiformis varied as follows: in the pure plantation: branch 〉stem〉root〉leaf〉bark and in the mixed plantation: stem 〉branch 〉root〉 leaf〉bark. The root/shoot ratio of Azadirachta indica in the mixed plantation (0.280) was significantly smaller (P〈0.05) than in the pure plantation(0.400) and for Acacia auriculiformis mixed (0.163) it was larger (P〉 0.05) than the pure plantation (0.132). Relationships between organs or the organ and stem diameter (D) or stem diameter square multiplied by tree height (D2H) of the two species showed allometry with an allometric equation being y=axb. The allometric rate of the organs was as follows: for Azadirachta indica-branch〉leaf and stem 〉root with aboveground 〉belowground ; whereas for Acacia auriculiformis-branch 〉 stem 〉root 〉leaf with aboveground〉belowground. In the dry-hot valley, when the two species were planted in the mixed pattern and compared to the pure plantation, biomass increased for Azadirachta indica and decreased for Acacia auriculiformis with biomass allocation for organs changing for the same tree species in different restoration patterns. [Ch, 4 tab. 38 ref.]