小兴安岭蒙古栎和黄菠萝径向生长对气候变化的响应比较 被引量:28
Comparing the responses of radial growth between Quercus mongolica and Phellodendron amurense to climate change in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China
英文题名:Comparing the responses of radial growth between Quercus mongolica and Phellodendron amurense to climate change in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China
作者:韩金生[1] 赵慧颖[2] 朱良军[1] 张远东[3] 李宗善[4] 王晓春[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
外文关键词:tree ring;Quercus mongolica;Phellodendron amurense;climate warming;radial growth;spatial and temporal variability
Quercus mongolica and Phellodendron amurense are two important broad-leaved species in temperate forests of Northeast China. It is critical to explore their responses to climate change for supporting management, protection, and restoration of the broad-leaved forest in Northeast China under the future climate change scenario. Three sampling sites along a longitude gradient, Heilun, Tieli and Yichun, were set up in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains. Dendrochronological methods were used to establish standard chronologies for Q. mongolica and P. amurense. Correlation analyses were conducted between these chronologies and local climatic factors to establish the spatial and temporal variations in growth-climate relationship of Q. mongolica and P. amurense. The results showed that the radial growth of P. amurense was sensitive to temperature, while that of Q. mongolica was limi-ted by both temperature and precipitation. The temperature sensitivities of these two species were different. High spring temperature inhibited the radial growth of Q. mongolica, but promoted that of P. amurense. The limiting effect of high maximum temperature in summer on radial growth of Q. mongolica was significantly higher than that of P. amurense. With the increases of longitude(water availability), the correlation coefficients between radial growth of Q. mongolica and precipitation gradually weakened, while P. amurense didn’t change. The physiological characteristics of those tree species was the key factors affecting their growth-climate relationship. With the significant warming since the 1976, the growth trend of P. amurense increased, whilst that of Q. mongolica decreased. Deteriorated drought stress caused by warming and difference in the species’ ability to cope with water deficits might be the main reasons for different responses of two species, and for the divergence phenomenon occurring for Q. mongolica. If warming continues or worsens in the future, the growth of Q. mongolica may decline due to the intensified drought stress, while that of P. amurense may be less affected or be slightly enhanced.