濒危植物崖柏回归苗木存活和生长与环境因子的关联性 ( EI收录)
Survival and Growth of Reintroduced Thuja sutchuenensis Seedlings in Relation to Environmental Factors
英文题名:Survival and Growth of Reintroduced Thuja sutchuenensis Seedlings in Relation to Environmental Factors
作者:马凡强[1] 郭泉水[1] 秦爱丽[1] 简尊吉[1] 黄吉勇[2] 王中兵[2] 杨泉[3] 张世强[4]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:endangered plants;Thuja sutchuenensis;initial stage of reintroduction;survival rate;growth;environmental factors;grey relational analysis;regression analysis;one-way ANOVA
摘要:【目的】研究崖柏回归初期苗木存活和生长与环境因子的关系,揭示影响崖柏回归初期苗木存活和生长的主要环境因子,为回归崖柏生境管理提供科学依据。【方法】采用典型抽样法,在重庆市开州区和城口县崖柏回归区内布设142块20 m×20 m样地,调查崖柏的保存率、苗高、地径和冠幅以及气候、地形、土壤、生物、回归地利用和管理方式等因子。运用灰色关联分析法,揭示影响回归崖柏苗木存活和生长的主要环境因子;运用回归分析法,研究回归崖柏苗木存活和生长指标随主要因子的变化。【结果】影响回归崖柏苗木存活和生长的主要环境因子因地而异,在开州崖柏回归区影响最大的是回归地利用和管理方式,其次是气候因子中的最冷月最低气温和年均气温,地形因子中的坡向,土壤因子中的土壤有效钾含量、土壤有效氮含量和土壤总孔隙度;在城口崖柏回归区影响最大的是气候因子中的最冷月最低气温,其次是气候因子中的年均气温和月均昼夜温差,地形因子中的坡度,土壤因子中的土壤全钾含量和土壤非毛管孔隙度以及生物因子中的杂草盖度。在开州回归区,崖柏的苗高和地径与最冷月最低气温、年均气温呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)正相关,冠幅与年均气温、土壤有效钾含量、土壤有效氮含量和土壤总孔隙度呈显著或极显著正相关;在城口回归区,苗高、地径、冠幅与最冷月最低气温呈极显著正相关,冠幅与年均气温、苗高与月均昼夜温差呈显著正相关,冠幅与土壤全钾含量呈极显著正相关。开州回归区苗木保存率与土壤有效钾含量呈显著负相关。崖柏苗木的地径和冠幅以阴坡最大,苗木保存率以半阳坡最高;间作农作物的地径最粗,林冠下造林的地径最细;间作药材的冠幅最大,撂荒地的冠幅最小;间作农作物的苗木保存率大,苗木较高,但与其他回归地利用和管理方式的差异不显著。【结论】气候、地形、土壤、生物、回归地利用和管理方式中的各项指标对崖柏回归初期苗木存活和生长均有一定影响,但以气候因子中的最冷月最低气温及回归地利用和管理方式的影响最大。在开州崖柏回归区回归地利用和管理方式影响最大,在城口崖柏回归区气候因子中的最冷月最低气温的影响最大,其他环境因子影响相对较小。
【Objective】The survival and growth of reintroduced Thuja sutchuenensis seedlings in relation to environmental factors were studied to reveal the main environmental factors that affect the survival and growth of T.sutchuenensis at the initial stage of reintroduction and to provide a scientific basis for habitat management.【Method】Using typical sampling method,142 plots of 20 m×20 m were set up in the T.sutchuenensis reintroduction areas in Kaizhou district and chengkou County of Chongqing city to investigate the preservation ratio,tree height,basal diameter,crown width,and 26 environmental factors including climate,topography,soil,vegetation,and human disturbance.Grey relational analysis was performed to reveal the main factors.The regression analysis was used to reveal the variations of survival and growth of the reintroduced T.sutchuenensis seedlings with the environmental factors.【Result】The main environmental factors affecting the survival and growth of T.sutchuenensis seedlings were different in different places.In Kaizhou,the main environmental factors were type of land use and management,minimum temperature of the coldest month,mean annual temperature,slope aspect,content of available soil potassium,content of available soil nitrogen,and total soil porosity.In Chengkou,the main environmental factors were minimum temperature of the coldest month,mean annual temperature,mean diurnal range of temperature(mean of monthly),slope,content of soil total potassium,non-capillary soil porosity,and weeds coverage.In Kaizhou,the seedling height and basal diameter of T.sutchuenensis were significantly(P<0.05)or extremely significantly(P<0.01)positively correlated with the minimum temperature of the coldest month and with the annual average temperature.The crown width was significantly(P<0.05)or extremely significantly(P<0.01)positively correlated with the content of available soil potassium content,content of available soil nitrogen,and total soil porosity.The preservation ratio of seedlings was significantly(P<0.05)negatively correlated with the content of available soil potassium.In Chengkou,the seedling height,ground diameter,crown width of T.sutchuenensis were extremely significantly(P<0.01)positively correlated with the minimum temperature of the coldest month.The crown width was extremely significantly(P<0.01)positively correlated with content of total soil potassium.The crown width was significantly(P<0.05)positively correlated with the annual average temperature.The seedling height was significantly(P<0.05)positively correlated with the mean of diurnal range of temperature.The basal diameter and crown width of seedlings were the largest on shaded slopes,and the preservation ratio of seedlings was the highest on semi-sun slopes.In land use and management,the basal diameter of intercropping with crops was the largest,and the basal diameter of the understory interplanting was the smallest.The crown width of intercropping with the medicinal plants was the largest,and crown width of the abandoned land was the smallest;the preservation ratio and height of intercropping crops were higher,but they were not significantly different from type of land use and management.【Conclusion】Environmental factors,such as climate,topography,soil,vegetation,and human disturbance,had a certain impacts on the survival and growth of T.sutchuenensis seedlings at the initial stage of reintroduction.Among these factors,the effects of climate and human disturbance were dominant.The minimum temperature of the coldest month was the main environmental factor in Chengkou,and the land use and management was the main environmental factor in Kaizhou.The impact of the other environmental factors was relatively small.