宜阳县不同森林类型土壤化学计量特征 被引量:2
Soil Stoichiometric Characteristics of Different Forest Types in Yiyang County
英文题名:Soil Stoichiometric Characteristics of Different Forest Types in Yiyang County
作者:张萌[1] 沈雅飞[1,2,3] 陈天[1] 王丽君[1] 曾立雄[1,2,3] 孙鹏飞[1] 肖文发[1,2,3] 田耀武[4] 程瑞梅[1,2,3]
外文期刊名:Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation
外文关键词:forest types;soil depth;soil carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus;stoichiometric ratio
摘要:【目的】研究宜阳县不同森林类型土壤化学计量特征,揭示不同森林类型土壤C、N、P养分间的耦合关系,以期为宜阳县所在的黄土丘陵区植被恢复和生态治理提供理论支持。【方法】以宜阳县针阔混交林、阔叶混交林、阔叶纯林3种森林类型土壤为研究对象,分别采集0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm 3个层次的土壤样品,测定不同土层土壤C、N、P养分含量,采用方差分析和相关性分析方法阐明宜阳县不同森林类型土壤化学计量特征。【结果】1)不同森林类型土壤C、N养分差异显著,阔叶纯林均高于针阔混交林和阔叶混交林,而土壤P含量在不同森林类型间无显著差异。2)阔叶纯林土壤C、N含量随着土层深度增加而逐渐降低,呈现“倒三角”的变化规律;而针阔混交林土壤C、N含量则表现为表层土壤显著高于深层土壤,“表聚现象”严重;阔叶混交林土壤C、N养分含量表层明显低于下层。3)不同森林类型土壤C∶N(9.43~11.06)、N∶P(2.16~3.18)、C∶P(20.84~37.08)均小于全国水平(12.3、5.2、61.0),其中土壤有机碳含量是土壤C∶N、C∶P的主要控制因素,土壤P含量是土壤N∶P主要控制因素。【结论】宜阳县森林土壤受到严重的N限制,但其有机质矿化分解速率和P元素的有效性较高,比较有利于该地区植被恢复工程的实施。因此,在宜阳县未来的森林经营和植被生态治理过程中,需要重视土壤N限制带来的不利影响,并制定相关治理策略,以期解决土壤N限制的不良影响,加快生态恢复进程。
【Objective】In this study,we investigated the soil stoichiometric characteristics of different forest types in Yiyang County,and analyzed the coupling relationship between soil C,N and P nutrients in different forest types,in order to provide theoretical support for vegetation restoration and ecological management in the loess hilly area where Yiyang County is located.【Method】This study was conducted in three forest types of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest,broad-leaved mixed forest and pure broad-leaved forest in Yiyang County,and soil samples in the forests were collected at three levels of 0~10 cm,10~20 cm,and 20~30 cm,respectively.The contents of C,N,P nutrients in different soil layers were determined,and the soil stoichiometric characteristics of different forest types were elucidated by variance analysis and correlation analysis.【Result】1)There were significant differences in soil C and N nutrients among different forest types in Yiyang County,the results showed that pure broad-leaved forest was higher than coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and broad-leaved mixed forest.However,there was no significant difference in soil P content among different forest types.2)The content of C and N in the soil of pure broad-leaved forest decreased gradually with the increase of soil depth,showing the variation law of"inverted triangle".The contents of C and N in the soil of conifer-ous and broad-leaved mixed forest were significantly higher in the surface soil than in the deep soil,and the"surface aggregation phenomenon"was prominent.The soil C and N nutrient contents of broad-leaved mixed forest were significantly lower in the sur-face layer than in the lower layer.3)The soil C∶N ratio(9.43~11.06),N∶P ratio(2.16~3.18),and C∶P ratio(20.84~37.08)in the soil of different forest types in Yiyang County were all lower than the national level(12.3,5.3,61.0).Among them,soil organic car-bon content is the main controlling factor of soil C∶N and C∶P ratios,and soil P content is the main controlling factor of soil N∶P.【Conclusions】The forest soil in Yiyang County is severely N-limited,but the mineralization and decomposition rate of or-ganic matter and P element availability are relatively high,which is conducive to the implementation of the vegetation restoration project in this area.Therefore,in the future forest management and vegetation ecological governance in Yiyang County,it is neces-sary to pay attention to the adverse effects of soil N restriction,and formulate relevant governance strategies,in order to solve the ad-verse effects of soil N restriction and speed up the ecological restoration process.