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Comparative evolutionary diversity and phylogenetic structure across multiple forest dynamics plots: a mega-phylogeny approach  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:66


英文题名:Comparative evolutionary diversity and phylogenetic structure across multiple forest dynamics plots: a mega-phylogeny approach

作者:Erickson, David L.[1] Jones, Frank A.[2,3] Swenson, Nathan G.[4] Pei, Nancai[5] Bourg, Norman A.[6] Chen, Wenna[7] Davies, Stuart J.[8] Ge, Xue-jun[7] Hao, Zhanqing[9] Howe, Robert W.[10] Huang, Chun-Lin[11] Larson, Andrew J.[12] Lum, Shawn K. Y.[13] Lutz, James A.[14] Ma, Keping[15] Meegaskumbura, Madhava[16] Mi, Xiangcheng[15] Parker, John D.[17] Fang-Sun, I.[18] Wright, S. Joseph[3] Wolf, Amy T.[10] Ye, W.[7] Xing, Dingliang[9] Zimmerman, Jess K.[19] Kress, W. John[1]

第一作者:Erickson, David L.

通信作者:Erickson, DL[1]

机构:[1]Natl Museum Nat Hist, Dept Bot, Washington, DC 20013 USA;[2]Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA;[3]Smithsonian Trop Res Inst, Panama City, Panama;[4]Michigan State Univ, Dept Plant Biol, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA;[5]Chinese Acad Forestry, State Forestry Adm, Res Inst Trop Forestry, Forest Ecosyst Stn Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[6]Smithsonian Inst, Smithsonian Conversat Biol Inst, Conservat Ecol Ctr, Front Royal, VA USA;[7]Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Plant Resources Conservat & Sustainable U, South China Bot Garden, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[8]Smithsonian Trop Res Inst, Ctr Trop Forest Sci, Forest Global Earth Observat, Washington, DC USA;[9]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Appl Ecol, State Key Lab Forest & Soil Ecol, Shenyang 110016, Peoples R China;[10]Univ Wisconsin, Dept Nat & Appl Sci, Biol Program, Green Bay, WI 54302 USA;[11]Natl Museum Nat Sci, Dept Biol, Lab Mol Phylogenet, Taichung, Taiwan;[12]Univ Montana, Dept Forest Management, Missoula, MT 59812 USA;[13]Nanyang Technol Univ, Natl Inst Educ, Singapore 639798, Singapore;[14]Utah State Univ, Logan, UT 84322 USA;[15]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Bot, State Key Lab Vegetat & Environm Change, Beijing, Peoples R China;[16]Univ Peradeniya, Fac Sci, Dept Zool, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka;[17]Smithsonian Inst, Smithsonian Environm Res Ctr, Edgewater, MD USA;[18]Natl Dong Hwa Univ, Dept Nat Resources & Environm Studies, Hualien, Taiwan;[19]Univ Puerto Rico, Inst Trop Ecosyst Studies, San Juan, PR 00936 USA







摘要:Forest dynamics plots, which now span longitudes, latitudes, and habitat types across the globe, offer unparalleled insights into the ecological and evolutionary processes that determine how species are assembled into communities. Understanding phylogenetic relationships among species in a community has become an important component of assessing assembly processes. However, the application of evolutionary information to questions in community ecology has been limited in large part by the lack of accurate estimates of phylogenetic relationships among individual species found within communities, and is particularly limiting in comparisons between communities. Therefore, streamlining and maximizing the information content of these community phylogenies is a priority. To test the viability and advantage of a multi-community phylogeny, we constructed a multi-plot mega-phylogeny of 1347 species of trees across 15 forest dynamics plots in the ForestGEO network using DNA barcode sequence data (rbcL, matK, and psbA-tmH) and compared community phylogenies for each individual plot with respect to support for topology and branch lengths, which affect evolutionary inference of community processes. The levels of taxonomic differentiation across the phylogeny were examined by quantifying the frequency of resolved nodes throughout. In addition, three phylogenetic distance (PD) metrics that are commonly used to infer assembly processes were estimated for each plot [PD, Mean Phylogenetic Distance (MPD), and Mean Nearest Taxon Distance (MNTD)]. Lastly, we examine the partitioning of phylogenetic diversity among community plots through quantification of inter-community MPD and MNTD. Overall, evolutionary relationships were highly resolved across the DNA barcode-based mega-phylogeny, and phylogenetic resolution for each community plot was improved when estimated within the context of the mega-phylogeny. Likewise, when compared with phylogenies for individual plots, estimates of phylogenetic diversity in the mega-phylogeny were more consistent, thereby removing a potential source of biasat the plot-level, and demonstrating the value of assessing phylogenetic relationships simultaneously within a mega-phylogeny. An unexpected result of the comparisons among plots based on the mega-phylogeny was that the communities in the ForestGEO plots in general appear to be assemblages of more closely related species than expected by chance, and that differentiation among communities is very low, suggesting deep floristic connections among communities and new avenues for future analyses in community ecology.



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