川西亚高山人工云杉林和自然恢复演替系列的林地水文效应 被引量:55
Woodland hydrological effects of spruce plantations and natural secondary series in sub-alpine region of western Sichuan
英文题名:Woodland hydrological effects of spruce plantations and natural secondary series in sub-alpine region of western Sichuan
外文期刊名:Journal of Natural Resources
外文关键词:hydrological effect; spruce plantation; natural secondary series; moss; litters; maxi mal water holding capacity
Primary dark coniferous forests,dominated with firs and managed as a part of water con servation project in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River,were cut on a large scale from 1950 to 1980 in sub alpine region of west Sichuan,spruces were planted on most cutover area and native tree species regenerated naturally at the same time.The cumulated mass (CM) of moss and litters and the maximal water holding capacity (MWHC) of moss,litters and soil were measured by field investigation and soaking experiment to analyze the hydrological effects of spruce plantations with different ages and natural secondary series in sub alpine forest of west Sichuan.The result shows that MWHC of moss and litters,along with their CM,increases with the increment of forest age in spruce plantations and natural secondary series.CM and MWHC of moss and litters in 10 years and 30 years' old plantations are significantly higher than those in natural secondary series with same age.CM of moss and litters in 40 years' old spruce plantations are also significantly higher than those in natural mixed forest with same age,but MWHC between them are not significantly different.The maximal water holding rates (MWHR) of moss and litters in spruce plantations are lower than those in natural secondary series.After 70 years' restoration,the sum of MWHC between moss and litters in spruce plantation has been close to that in primitive fir forests.In all spruce plantations and natural secondary series,soil bulk density increases with the increment of soil depth,while MWHC,capillary water holding capacity (CWHC) and least water holding capacity (LWHC) decrease.MWHC of soil in 0~40cm depths are significantly different among spruce plantations with different ages,but the differences are not related with their ages and MWHC of soil don't increase along with the increment of ages.There are not significant differences in soil 0~40cm MWHC among natural secondary series.Hydrological effects of spruce plantations increase faster than those in natural secondary series,indicating that CM and MWHC of moss and litters in the former ones increase faster than those in the latter.