Endemic Seed Plant Species from Hainan Island: A Checklist ( SCI-EXPANDED收录) 被引量:18
英文题名:Endemic Seed Plant Species from Hainan Island: A Checklist
作者:Francisco-Ortega, Javier[2,3] Wang, Fa-Guo[1] Wang, Zhong-Sheng[4] Xing, Fu-Wu[4] Liu, Hong[3,5] Xu, Han[6] Xu, Wei-Xiang[1] Luo, Yi-Bo[7] Song, Xi-Qiang[8] Gale, Stephan[9] Boufford, David E.[10] Maunder, Mike[2,3,11] An, Shu-Qing[4]
第一作者:Francisco-Ortega, Javier
通信作者:Wang, FG[1]
机构:[1]Chinese Acad Sci, S China Bot Garden, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[2]Florida Int Univ, Dept Biol Sci, Miami, FL 33199 USA;[3]Fairchild Trop Bot Garden, Ctr Trop Plant Conservat, Miami, FL 33156 USA;[4]Nanjing Univ, Sch Life Sci, Lab Forest Ecol & Global Change, Nanjing 210093, Peoples R China;[5]Florida Int Univ, Dept Earth & Environm, Miami, FL 33199 USA;[6]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Trop Forestry, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[7]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Bot, Beijing 100093, Peoples R China;[8]Hainan Univ, Key Lab Trop Hort Plant Resources & Genet Improve, Haikou 570228, Peoples R China;[9]Kadoorie Farm & Bot Garden, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China;[10]Harvard Univ Herbaria, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA;[11]Al Ain Wildlife Pk & Resort, Abu Dhabi, U Arab Emirates
基金:The following colleagues validated the checklists presented in this paper, our gratitude for their time and for sharing with us their unpublished results; B. Bartholomew (Theaceae), P. Bruyns (Apocynaceae), Z.-Y. Cao (Moraceae), J. Chen (Melastomataceae), T. Chen (Rubiaceae), Y.-L. Chen (Balsaminaceae, Rhamnaceae), Y.-F. Deng (Acanthaceae), J. Dransfield (Arecaceae), H.-J. Esser (Euphorbiaceae), P. Fritsch (Styracaceae, Symplocaceae), T.-G. Gao (Asteraceae), X.-F. Gao (Fabaceae), X.-L. Gong (Balsaminaceae, Boraginaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae), R. Govaerts (Rubiaceae), S. Hang (Melastomataceae), I. C. Hedge (Lamiaceae), D.-Y. Hong (Campanulaceae), X.L. Hou (Annonaceae), C.-F. Hsieh (Eriocaulaceae), C.-M. Hu (Myrsinaceae), L.-G. Lei (Aquifoliaceae), H. Li (Araceae), H.-W. Li (Clusiaceae), J. Li (Lauraceae), P.-T. Li (Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae), X.-W. Li (Lauraceae), W.-B. Liao (Hamamelidaceae), Q. Liu (Celastraceae), P. A. Loizeau (Aquifoliaceae), A. Lu (Juglandaceae), J. Ma (Aristolochiaceae), D. Middleton (Apocynaceae), A. Paton (Lamiaceae), C.-I. Peng (Begoniaceae), H. Peng (Icacinaceae), J. Pipoly (Myrsinaceae), Y. Qi (Thymelaeaceae), H. Qin (Lardizabalaceae), X.-S. Qin (Begoniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sterculiaceae), H. Robinson (Asteraceae), S. Shi (Hamamelidaceae), G. Staples (Convolvulaceae), S. Suddee (Lamiaceae), Y. Tang (Elaeocarpaceae, Malvaceae), C. Taylor (Rubiaceae), R.-J. Wang (Rubiaceae), W.-T. Wang (Boraginaceae, Ranunculaceae), Y.-Z. Wang (Gesneriaceae), F.-N. Wei (Lauraceae, Myrtaceae), J. Wen (Araliaceae, Leeaceae, Vitaceae), H. Van Der Werff (Lauraceae), D.-L. Wu (Fabaceae, Lowiaceae, Zingiberaceae) N.-H. Xia (Piperaceae, Sapindaceae), C. Xiang (Icacinaceae), Q. Xiang (Pinaceae), W.-B. Xu (Ebenaceae), S. Zhang (Cyperaceae), Z.-Y. Zhang (Solanaceae), Z.-K. Zhou (Fagaceae), X.-Y. Zhuang (Apocynaceae, Euphorbiaceae), S. Zona (Arecaceae). This is contribution 183 from the Tropical Biology Program of Florida International University. The Nanjing University (NU) 985 II program supported a research visit by HL and JF.-O. to the School of Life Science of NU during the summer of 2008. Summer research funds during 2008 and 2009 from Fairchild Tropical Garden supported HL and JF.-O. studies in China.
外文关键词:Floristic Inventories; Tropical Islands; Asia; China; Plant Conservation; Plant Biodiversity; IUCN
摘要:Global conservation of plant biodiversity on tropical islands is a major priority, as approximately one third of all endangered plant species are insular endemics. Checklists can be an important first step in determining conservation priorities on islands. Hainan, the largest island in the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot, and therefore an international focus for conservation, has the most extensive and best preserved tropical forests in China. In this study we enumerate the endemic seed plants of Hainan Island. The checklist was prepared by consulting: (1) several bibliographic/taxonomic data base resources, (2) relevant taxonomic treatments and floras, and (3) plant taxonomists who are actively working with Chinese plants. The checklist also contains information concerning conservation status, the occurrence of Hainan endemics in four protected areas on the island, and available molecular phylogenies. An additional checklist of the species that were until recently thought to be endemic to Hainan, but are no longer considered to be, is also presented. In a separate paper in this issue of Botanical Review the patterns of endemism on Hainan Island are discussed.