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林分密度对杉木人工林下物种多样性和土壤养分的影响     被引量:78

Effects of Stand Density on Understory Species Diversity and Soil Nutrients in Chinese Fir Plantation



英文题名:Effects of Stand Density on Understory Species Diversity and Soil Nutrients in Chinese Fir Plantation

作者:张勇强[1] 李智超[1] 厚凌宇[1] 宋立国[1] 杨洪国[1] 孙启武[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Pedologica Sinica





外文关键词:Stand density;Chinese fir plantation;Understory species;Soil nutrients;Principal component analysis


摘要:为研究不同林分密度对杉木人工林下物种多样性和土壤养分的影响,以38 a生5种密度杉木人工林为研究对象,调查林下植被,测定土壤理化性质及酶活性,对物种多样性指数和土壤指标进行单因素方差、相关性及主成分分析。结果显示:杉木人工林下物种种类多达121种,灌木层以杜茎山(Maesa japonica)为主,草本层以双盖蕨(Diplazium)、黑足鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris fuscipes)等蕨类为主。灌木层和草本层物种多样性各指数大多在初植密度为5000 hm–2时最高。不同土层间各种土壤养分变化趋势基本一致,不同密度间土壤养分变化趋势不同,更多的土壤养分在高密度或低密度林)分下达到最大。除了pH、有机碳以及纤维素酶外,其他土壤养分受林分密度变化响应均显著(P<0.05)。0~20 cm土层的土壤养分与草本层物种多样性关系更为密切,而20~40 cm土层的土壤养分与灌木层物种多样性关系更为密切。pH、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷与灌草层多样性指数的相关性最为密切。主成分分析综合得分显示,初植密度为6667 hm–2时最高(1.17),第二为3333 hm–2(0.93),其次为5000 hm–2(0.28)、1667 hm–2(0.12)和10000 hm–2(–2.49),得分前两名显著大于其他得分。以上结果表明,初植密度在5000 hm–2更有利于林下物种多样性的稳定,但不利于土壤养分的累积;密度过低或过高皆不利于土壤理化性质和植物多样性的发展,特别是密度过高时,对林地伤害巨大;基于土壤理化性质和植物多样性的主成分分析结果出现“驼峰模式”,杉木人工林初植密度6667 hm–2和3333 hm–2更适合土壤理化性质和植物多样性的发展。
【Objective】To study effects of stand density on understory species diversity and soil nutrients in Chinese fir plantations,a field survey was carried out in a Chinese fir plantation,38 years old,varying in stand density in Dagang Mountain,Jiangxi Province.【Method】Five plots of woodlands different in stand density were delineated for investigation of understory species therein,and soil samples were collected from each plot for analysis of soil physical and chemical properties and soil enzyme activities.And One-way ANOVA analysis and correlation analysis and principal component analysis of the obtained data were performed for determination of relationships of understory species diversity and soil properties with stand density.Besides.principal component analysis and factor analysis were conducted to calculate scores of various index factors of the plantation,in an attempt to screen out a suitable density for growth of Chinese fir trees in plantations.【Result】Results show that there were 121 species of understory plants found under the Chinese fir trees in the plantation.The shrub layer was dominated by Maesa japonica,while the herb layer was by ferns,such as Diplazium and Dryopteris fuscipes.The two layers both were the highest in diversity in the plot,5000 trees hm–2 in initial density.The variation of soil nutrients did not differ much with soil layer,but did with stand density.All the soil nutrients,except pH,organic carbon and celllase,were the highest in the plots either the highest or the lowest in stand density and obviously varied with stand density.Soil nutrients in the 0~20 cm soil layer were more closely related to herbaceous diversity,while soil nutrients in the 20~40 cm soil layer were more to shrub diversity.The factors of pH,total nitrogen,alkalytic nitrogen,available phosphorus were the most closely related to the species diversity index of the understory.The principal component analysis shows that the plot 6667 trees hm–2 in initial stand density was the highest in comprehensive score(1.17),and followed by the plots 3333 trees hm–2(0.93),5000 trees hm–2(0.28),1667 trees hm–2(0.12)and 10000 trees hm–2(–2.49).obviously the first two were significantly higher than the other three in score.【Conclusion】The research on plant diversity index and soil physicochemical properties reveals that the initial density of 5000 trees hm–2 is good to stability of understory species diversity,but not so to accumulation of soil nutrients.The principal component analysis shows that stand density,either too high or too low,is detrimental to the development of soil physical and chemical properties and plant diversity,especially when the density is too high,its damage to forest land is enormous,exhibiting a“hump model”,which indicates the initial densities of 6667 trees hm–2 and 3333 trees hm–2 are more suitable to the development of soil physical-chemical properties and plant diversity.The“Hump model”shows that taking into comprehensive account,the co-existence of different stand densities in a plantation may better maintain soil properties,increase plant diversity in the ecosystem and improve the ecological environment,thus contributing to multi-purpose cultivation and sustainable development of of Chinese fir plantations.



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