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黄土区旱作苹果园系统的热量特征及其在不同生育期的变化     被引量:2

Heat characteristics and its variation with growing stages in non-irrigated apple orchard system of the Loess Plateau



英文题名:Heat characteristics and its variation with growing stages in non-irrigated apple orchard system of the Loess Plateau

作者:陈帅[1] 党宏忠[1] 慕彪彪[2] 冯金超[1] 王檬檬[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Fruit Science





外文关键词:Apple tree;Loess Plateau;Soil heat flux;High temperature;Soil temperature


摘要:【目的】明确黄土区旱作苹果园种植系统的热量特征及其在不同生育期的变化规律,对于提高果园精准管理水平有重要指导意义。【方法】对该区果园冠层外太阳总辐射(Rs)、净辐射(Rn)、大气温度(Tair)、冠下近地表层空气温度(Tground)、表层土壤温度(Tsoil)和土壤热通量(G)等要素开展完整生长季内的定位观测与比较分析。【结果】从花期、幼果期、果实膨大期到果实成熟期,Tair、Tground、Tsoil、Rs和Rn均呈现先增大后减小的季节变化规律,G则表现为整体递减的季节变化趋势。从花期到果实膨大期(4-8月),Tground高于Tair和Tsoil,G为正值,土壤以吸收热量为主要特征;在果实成熟期(9-10月),Tsoil高于Tground和Tair,G为负值,土壤以释放热量为主要特征。温度类变量(Tair和Tground)比辐射类变量(Rs和Rn)与土壤热通量间的相关性更紧密。花期(4月份)既有近地面气温高于30℃的高温日(时长77 h),又有低于0℃的低温日(时长18 h)出现,分别增加了灼害和冻害落花落果的风险。【结论】果园种植系统显著改变了地-气间热量循环与分配的过程。近地表大气温度显著高于冠层外大气温度,应根据果树不同生育期特点有针对性地采取烟熏、风机、喷雾、灌溉等温度调控措施,重点预防花期的低温冻害和果实膨大期的高温日灼伤害。
【Objective】Heat resources in the orchard system have important effects on the development of roots of fruit trees,the ground evapotranspiration,and orchard’s water and heat cycle.The Loess Plateau has sufficient sunlight and big temperature differences between day and night,which is appropriate for apple cultivation.However,orchards in different regions of the Loess Plateau are affected by diverse topography and regional location so that their heat conditions are different from each other.Clarifying the heat characteristics and differences in different growth stages of the non-irrigated apple orchard in the Loess Platea of Western Shanxi province,China,can provide scientific bases for orchard accurate management.【Methods】The study area was selected in an organic apple orchard(110°35.655′E,36°04.739′N)with the area of 1.67 hm2in Ji County of Shanxi province,the loess gully region where annual precipitation was about 522.8 mm.The apple trees in this orchard were about 2.5 m of height and arranged with distance of 6 m within lines and 4 m between lines.For measuring meteorological elements,the total solar radiation sensor CMP11(Kipp&Zonen,NL),the net solar radiation sensor NRLITE2(Kipp&Zonen,NL)and the air temperature sensor AV-10TH(AVALON,USA)were installed on about 3 m above the ground in the center of the orchard.The air temperature sensors were also installed on 20 cm above the ground.The soil heat flux sensor HFP01(Huk Sefflux,NL)and temperature sensor ECH2O(Decagon,USA)were buried under 10 cm below the soil surface.The total solar radiation(Rs),net radiation(Rn)and air temperature(Tair)above the canopy of the apple trees,the air temperature close to the ground layer(Tground),the soil temperature(Tsoil)and the soil heat flux(G)in the upper layer of the soil were observed for one year in the orchard in 2018.Statistical analysis of the daily changes and seasonal dynamics of the above-mentioned variables were used to further clarify the heat characteristics【.Results】Generally,along with stages of the flower stage,fruit formation,fruit expansion and fruit ripening stage during the growing season,the variables of the Tair,Tground,Tsoil,Rsand Rndisplayed a clear seasonal pattern with an increase followed by an decrease.However,the G showed a declining seasonal change as a whole.During the experimental period,the daily means of the Tair,Tground,and Tsoilwere 18.1,19.1,and 18.1℃,and the highest values of them were 35.1,37.5,and 27.3℃,and occurred on June 6,June 6 and July 29 respectively.The highest values of the Rs,Rn,and G were 3.74,2.80,and 0.38 MJ·m^-2·h^-1,and occurred on June 9,August 23 and April 7,respectively.From the flowering stage to the fruit expansion stage(April-August),the monthly means of the Tgroundwere higher than those of the Tairand Tsoil,and the means of the G were positive,indicating that soil absorbed heat from air.However,in the fruit ripening stage(September-October),the average of Tsoilwas higher than those of Tgroundand Tair,and the means of the G were negative,demonstrating that soil released heat.The duration of high temperature(Tground>35℃)were 58 hours,and that of the Tground>30℃and with Tground<0℃in the flower stage(April)were 77 and 18 hours,respectively.During the main growth stages,the daily course of the Rn,Rs,and G displayed in a normal-typed pattern.The daily change of the Rnsynchronized with the Rs,while the daily change of the G lagged behind the Rn.The daily peaks of the Rs and Rngenerally appeared at 12:00,but that of the G appeared 2 hours latter.The time with the G>0 in a day from the flowering stage to the fruit expansion stage appeared from 9:00 to 19:00,but between11:00 and 18:00 during the fruit ripening stage.The values of the Tgroundin daytime were generally higher than that of Tairand Tsoil,while the values of the Tsoilduring night was generally higher than that of Tairand Tground.The daily peaks of the Tairand Tgroundoccurred about 14:00 and 12:00 in both the flowering stage and the fruit formation stage,and both were postponed to 15:00 in the fruit expansion stage,and returned to 14:00 and 13:00 during the fruit ripening stage.The daily peaks of the Tsoilappeared at 20:00-21:00 during the whole growth period.The temperature difference between the ground layer and the upper layer of the soil(Tground-Tsoil)varied with the soil heat flux(G)by the exponential relationship.Among all above factors,the Tgroundhad the largest correlation coefficient with the G(0.72),followed by the Rs.The principal component analysis results showed that the first principal component affecting the G was mainly temperature factor,with a variance contribution proportion of 51.61%,and the second principal component was the heat factor with the variance contribution proportion of 24.93%,and the third principal component was the soil water factor.【Conclusion】The apple orchard planting system in the Loess Platea significantly changed the process of heat circulation and distribution courses among the air,the ground and the soil.The ground temperature was significantly higher than the air temperature.The measures for heat preservation or cooling should be taken according to the characteristics in different growth stages of apple trees.We are supposed to pay more attention to preventing the injury by the high temperature,sunburn,and low temperature freezing in the specific growing stages.



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